django-wireguard 0.2.0

Creator: danarutscher

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djangowireguard 0.2.0

This is a Django app that provides management via Admin Site for WireGuard interfaces and peers.
Checkout the Documentation.

Install with pip: pip install django-wireguard

Quick start

Add “django_wireguard” to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

Run python migrate to create the models.
Visit http://localhost:8000/admin/ to manage the VPN. Note: you must enable the Django Admin Site first

Enabling the Wagtail Integration

Add “django_wireguard.wagtail” to your INSTALLED_APPS setting after simple_vpn:

You can manage the VPN from the Wagtail Admin Panel Settings. Inspect a WireguardPeer object to view their configuration.

The following settings can be provided:

WIREGUARD_ENDPOINT the endpoint for the peer configuration. Set it to the server Public IP address or domain. Default: localhost.
WIREGUARD_STORE_PRIVATE_KEYS set this to False to disable auto generation of peer private keys. Default: True.
WIREGUARD_WAGTAIL_SHOW_IN_SETTINGS set this to False to show WireGuard models in root sidebar instead of settings panel. Default: True.

Two signals are sent whenever a WireGuard interface is created or deleted to emulate WireGuard’s PostUp/PostDown configuration options.
These signals are sent upon interface creation at the network level, not at database level.

Testing with Docker

Build the test image by running:
docker build -f Dockerfile.test -t django_wg_test .

Run the tests

To run all tests, including Wireguard integration tests:

Make sure the WireGuard kernel modules are installed and loaded on the host machine
Run all tests with NET_ADMIN capability enabled:
docker run --cap-add NET_ADMIN django_wg_test

To run unit tests without Wireguard support:
docker run django_wg_test --exclude-tag net


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