django-xiti 0.1.1

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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djangoxiti 0.1.1

Django app to include Xiti loading code into your templates
This is a very basic app that does not contains any view, just a template tag to build the HTML code to load Xiti in your site pages.
It relies on Xiti parameters defined in your settings.


Download his PyPi package;
Clone it on his repository;


Django >= 1.4;

First install the package
pip install django-xiti
Add it to your installed Django apps in settings :
Then fill your Xiti paramters in your settings:
'xiti_serverid': '', # Xiti server ID for usage on http protocole
'xiti_serverid_secure': '', # Xiti server ID for usage on https protocole
'xtsite': '', # Xiti site ID, also named 's'
'xtn2': '', # level 2 site ID, also named 's2'
'xtpage': '', # page name (with the use of :: to create chapters), also named 'p'
'xtdi': '', # implication degree, also named 'di'
'xt_an': '', # user ID, also named 'an'
'xt_ac': '', # category ID, also named 'ac'
'xt_multc': '', # all the xi indicators (like "&x1=...&x2=....&x3=...")
All these parameters are generated for your site from your Xiti account. xiti_serverid and xtsite values are required. If required values are not filled, xiti_code usage will raise a exception XitiSettingsError.

Loading ‘xtcore.js’
Finally, you must have the Xiti Javascript core file xtcore.js in your static. This file is not shipped into this app because it can be different from a site to another, you need to download it from your Xiti account.
When you got it, just put it as js/xtcore.js into your staticfiles directory. If you want to use another path or to load it differently you can override template xiti/include_js.html in your templates directory.
Generally, you should not try to load it without this template, because Xiti Javascript core must be loaded after parameters are defined else it won’t be able to use them, resulting in blank report.

Just use the template tag into your templates:
{% load xiti_tags %}
{% xiti_code %}
This tag does not accept any argument.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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