djangocms-events 0.1.8

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangocmsevents 0.1.8

Events and calendar with ics import for django CMS
Installation, required libraries and settings
You can install this package with
pip install djangocms-events

or from the git repository with
pip install git+

or add djangocms-events or
djangocms-events @ git+

to your requirements.
Python packages
This package uses sekizai, which is required by django CMS anyway.
The description of events can be formatted text and is saved in a QuillField,
so django-quill-editor is required.
In the templates for event lists and detail
view easy-thumbnails is used. This requires
an entry in INSTALLED_APPS in your project settings:
INSTALLED_APPS: list[str] = [

and a definition for the thumbnail sizes:
THUMBNAIL_ALIASES: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, any]]] = {
'event-list': {
'size': (600, 300),
'crop': True,
'upscale': True
'event-detail': {
'size': (600, 300),
'crop': False,
'upscale': True

The following settings are optional:

switching between month, week and day view in the calendar is shown or hidden. If it’s not set, it
will be shown. DJANGOCMS_EVENTS_PAGINATE_BY sets the number of events per page in the events list
and defaults to 100. With setting DJANGOCMS_EVENTS_NR_INITIALLY_SHOWN to a number that is smaller
than the number of events per page, only this number of events will be shown on the overview, the
rest will be hidden in an accordion, otherwise no events will be hidden. With
DJANGOCMS_EVENTS_CORNER_LABELS: bool = True corner labels in pictures of calendar lists (app hook
or plug-in) indicate the corresponding calendar by its colour.
JavaScript frontend libraries
The frontend uses the framework Fomantic UI in general and especially for modal overlays and
optionally an accordion. In its current version it needs jQuery which is also used for event
handling. Ajax requests for getting the content of event details are done with htmx. These libraries
are included in the webpack bundle
djangocms_events/static/djangocms_events/webpack/index.bundle.js. In case you already have one or
more of these libraries in your CMS base template, so that you don’t need this bundle, or you want
to adopt the templates to integrate it into your website, you can override the templates by copying
them to your project and modify them. You might want to build your own webpack bundle based
on assets/src/index.js. If you do, you should rename index in entry in webpack.config.js in
order to avoid a name conflict with the shipped bundle and link your own bundle.
Short instruction for building the webpack bundles: Clone this repo and enter it in a shell.
npm install
npx webpack

The second bundle djangocms_events/static/djangocms_events/webpack/calendar.bundle.js is used for
the calendar view in the apphook page and the calendar plug-in.
After installing and configuring the package you can integrate it in django CMS as a webhook page in
the advanced settings of a CMS page.
You can edit events in the Django admin or import an ICS file. In either case first create a
calendar in the admin. If you want to import an ICS file available in the Internet, enter its URL,
otherwise leave this field empty. You can import events after having checked the “publish” field in
the calendar by applying an admin action or by calling a URL for importing the events e.g. in a
cron job or in a browser where you will get a table of the imported events. The URL for importing
all events of all published calendars is the URL of your apphook page plus import_calendars or
import_calendars_future_events for just importing events in the future.
On the apphook page you can see a calendar and a list of the events. The default view shows only
events of the current and future months in the calendar and future events in the list, because
calendars with thousands of events in the past take much more time to render, even with pagination.
With a menu you can also go to pages with the past or all events.
In addition, there are plug-ins for event lists and calendar views. You can choose which calendars,
i.e. groups of events will be shown. In the event list plug-in you can choose how many events
are being shown, and if there are not enough future events, you can choose to fill up the list with
recent events, so the list won’t look too empty in that case.
Integrated libraries

Used for

Needed for Fomantic UI, event handling
MIT license

Fomantic UI
frontend library
MIT license

Ajax requests for detail views
BSD-2-Clause license

Toast UI Calendar
JS calendar
MIT License


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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