djangocms-faq 1.5.2

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangocmsfaq 1.5.2

Frequently asked questions plugin for Django CMS, with an API to load questions from another page!

Install module
python3 -m pip install djangocms-faq

Or use this command if you want to add a scoop of fuzzy-search in your api:
python3 -m pip install djangocms-faq[fuzzy_search]

Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS

Add the API endpoint to your (if you want to use the Faq Search Plugin):
path("djangocms-faq/", include("djangocms_faq.urls")),

Launch your django-cms site, it should be here!


django-cms: Obviously.
django-sekizai: For default templates (you can uninstall it if you use custom templates without sekizai). Not required in this package (it's a requirement of django-cms).
thefuzz: If you want to use fuzzy search, optional package.

A faq
Add FAQ Containers plugins, which have a (hidden and required) name, a (public and optional) title, and can only contain FAQ Questions plugins.

Then, add FAQ Questions plugins that can contain text/image/videos plugins (that provide answers)!

You can also add keywords to your FAQ questions, because you may want your users to find a specific answer to a general question.
You can create an alias of a Question and paste if where you want, but it is more coherent to copy the whole Faq Container, or tu put a search bar.
It is discouraged to create a FAQ on a non-cms page (like a djangocms-blog post) : the search function will not work (this plugin does not know how to get the current url if it's not on a placeholder that's on a cms page object).
A search plugin that uses an API
Ask a question to the FAQ and the plugin will return with the corresponding questions/answers.
Quick note: since the form uses javascript and a simple view, that means that the search works without javascript too!
Another quick note: The search results will not include results from aliased plugins, it will only link to original questions.
Select in which FAQ the searches will be applied

Display format is {FAQ Name} ({Page title}).
Fuzzy search!
Users can make mistakes. So this package can use the token_sort_ratio function from the package fuzzywuzzy to return str that are at least (>=) 85% the same (you can change the number).
To activate it, simply install the package like this:
python3 -m pip install djangocms-faq[fuzzy_search]

And add this to your settings :

Query detection in question title is still used when fuzzy search is enabled:

Fuzzy search:

Here, "this long string" match "that long string" at 87%, so the question is returned.

DJANGOCMS_FAQ_ENABLE_API (default is True): Enable or not the API endpoint and the Faq Search plugins.
If you create a Faq Search Plugin and then set this setting to False, then you will be greeted with a cool KeyError 'FaqPluginSearchPublished' error message. Please do not do this.

DJANGOCMS_FAQ_MAX_QUERY_LENGTH (default is 60): Max size of a query to the api. The module will truncate user requests to DJANGOCMS_FAQ_MAX_QUERY_LENGTH chars.

DJANGOCMS_FAQ_ANSWER_PLUGINS (default is ["TextPlugin", "FilePlugin", "VideoPlayerPlugin"]): Add plugins that can be added to your answers!

DJANGOCMS_FAQ_SHOW_KEYWORDS_QUESTION (default is True): Display keywords in the questions of a FAQ.

DJANGOCMS_FAQ_SHOW_KEYWORDS_ANSWER (default is True): Display keywords in answers (faq search plugin).

DJANGOCMS_FAQ_ENABLE_FUZZY_SEARCH (default is False): Wanna use fuzzy search ? (see fuzzy-search)

DJANGOCMS_FAQ_FUZZY_SEARCH_PERCENTAGE (default is 85): Score to reach before returning a match between two patterns (query/question or query/keyword) from the api.

DJANGOCMS_FAQ_SEARCH_WORD_BY_WORD_KEYWORDS (default is False): If you want to split user queries & keywords in order to return a question if at least one word from the query is the same of at least one word of it's keywords.

Here's a screenshot with different examples (configs: DJANGOCMS_FAQ_ENABLE_FUZZY_SEARCH and DJANGOCMS_FAQ_SEARCH_WORD_BY_WORD_KEYWORDS):
Warning! Do not use stopwords in keywords, or else you might get a looot of results!
When you're searching for something in the input, searches will be made using the API if you don't type anything for 1 second (see templates/faq_search.html).
Here's the format:
"question": "question title",
"slug": "question-title",
"url": "/page-url/",
"keywords": ["keyword", "another keyword", "..."]
"question": "question title 2",
"slug": "question-title2",
"url": "/page-url/",
"keywords": ["keyword", "an other key word", "..."]

Api format

Where keyword is a string, the uuids are valid uuids (strings) of FAQs separated by spaces, and draft is the faq to search into (draft or live version of the CMSPlugin).
You can submit requests without the draft parameter, the script will then search only in published (live) version of each faq CMSPlugin (like draft=False).
Customize it!
The templates included in this project are for demonstration purposes only, it is up to you to integrate them into your graphic charter by creating faq_plugin.html, faq_question.html and faq_search.html files in templates/faq/.
How it works
Faq container & questions are classic django-cms plugins, see in for more informations.
Faq search plugin is a django-cms plugin, and uses on top of that an API endpoint using vanilla javascript (the default template uses fetch, which is not compatible with IE).
The API endpoint is a single view that returns json (see
Since the function to get answers from a "question" str is used two times (in the view for the API and in the FaqPluginSearchPublisher plugin), I've put it in a file named
When using fuzzy search mode, results are returned if the query is a substring of a question, or if the score between the question and the query or a keyword and the query is >= to DJANGOCMS_FAQ_FUZZY_SEARCH_PERCENTAGE (default = 85%).
When you publish a page containing a FAQ used in a search form, the copy_relations function will update the id of the FAQ using the class named RelationSearchFaq (that store the uuids of FaqPluginModel & SearchFaqPluginModel).
Here's a bad drawing of the problem, and here's another bad drawing of the current solution.
It's a custom and dirty solution to the problem of handling relations between CMSPlugins.

It is much harder to manage the copying of relations when they are from one plugin to another.
source: Django-cms doc,
Handling Relations > Relations between plugins.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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