djangocms-installer 2.0.0

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangocmsinstaller 2.0.0

Command to easily bootstrap django CMS projects

Free software: BSD license

djangocms-installer is a console wizard to help bootstrapping a django CMS
Refer to django CMS Tutorial on how to properly setup your first django CMS project.

Version 2.0 dropped support for Python 2.7, 3.5, django CMS < 3.7 and Django < 2.2.
More 1.2.x versions may be released after 1.2 is out in case important bugfixes will be needed.

To create your first django CMS project run:
djangocms my_project
That’s all!
This command will:

Create a Django project
Install django CMS and its core plugins
Create and populate the database
Install default templates

Just run runserver, go to http://localhost:8000 , login with user admin (same password)
and enjoy your first django CMS project.
More at django CMS Tutorial and installer usage page

For detailed information see

Preliminary checks and system libraries
While this wizard try to handle most of the things for you, it doesn’t check for
all the proper native (non python) libraries to be installed.
Before running this, please check you have the proper header and libraries
installed and available for packages to be installed.
Libraries you would want to check:

libjpeg (for JPEG support in Pillow)
zlib (for PNG support in Pillow)
postgresql (for psycopg2)
libmysqlclient (for Mysql)
python-dev (for compilation and linking)

For additional information, check

Supported versions
The current supported version matrix is the following:

Django 2.2
Django 3.0
Django 3.1

django CMS 3.7
Not supported

django CMS 3.8

See version 1.2 for older Django / django CMS versions support
Any beta and develop version of Django and django CMS, by its very nature,
it’s not supported, while it still may work.
djangocms-installer tries to support beta versions of django CMS when they
are be considered sufficiently stable by the upstream project.

djangocms-installer assumes that is installed in the same directory
as python executable, which is the standard virtualenv layout. Other installation layouts
might work, but are not officially supported.

Windows support
The installer is tested on Windows 10 with Python version 3.8.6 installed using
official MSI packages available at
Please check that the .py extension is associated correctly with Python interpreter:
c:\> assoc .py

c:\>ftype Python.File
Python.File="C:\Windows\py.exe" "%1" %*


2.0.0 (2020-11-15)

Move to Github Actions (#362)
Adopt modern packaging layout (#363)
Reformat with black (#364)
Add support for Django 3.1 / django CMS 3.8 (#376)
Update pre-commit repos (#377)

1.2.3 (2020-04-23)

Fix support for staticfiles

1.2.2 (2020-04-23)

Add support for Django 3.0
Add support for django CMS 3.7.2

1.2.1 (2019-12-27)

Pin formtools version on django 1.11 to avoid python 2 issues
Unpin psycopg2 version for Django 2.2+
Add support for “shorthand” postgres django backend

1.2.0 (2019-11-04)

Add support for django CMS 3.7 - Django 2.2
Add support for Python 3.7
Replaced Bootstrap 3 theme with Bootstrap 4
Add djangocms-bootstrap4 package
Drop support for Django < 1.11
Drop support for Python 3.4
Drop support for aldryn-boilerplates

1.1.1 (2019-06-29)

Fix project name check
Pin psycopg2 version to avoid issues in Python 3.6+

1.1.0 (2019-03-05)

Add support for django CMS 3.6
Add detection of incompatible DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable
Add detection of mismatched Django version between currently installed and declared one

1.0.2 (2018-11-21)

Bump html5lib / djangocms-text-ckeditor version

1.0.1 (2018-06-03)

Pin django-polymorphic version to fix issues with django < 1.11
Pin djangocms core plugins versions

1.0.0 (2018-02-01)

Drop cmsplugin-filer in favor of core plugins which now use filer
Add django CMS 3.5

0.9.8 (2018-01-10)

Raise more informative messages on command failures
Fix tests for django CMS develop

0.9.7 (2017-07-15)

Improve django-admin invocation to support more python environments layouts

0.9.6 (2017-03-12)

Add more Django 1.10 fixes / cleanups
Add python 3.6 compatibility

0.9.5 (2017-02-16)

Add more Django 1.10 fixes / cleanups

0.9.4 (2017-01-03)

Add support for Django 1.10
Add ‘lts’ keyword (it’s now the default instead of ‘stable’)

0.9.3 (2016-11-16)

Fix issue with create_user command

0.9.2 (2016-11-12)

Fix search ‘’
Improve error reporting during package installation

0.9.1 (2016-10-02)

Fix issue with -p parameter

0.9.0 (2016-09-15)

Drop support for Python 2.6
Drop support for Django < 1.8
Drop support for django CMS < 3.2
Improve inline documentation
If -s option is used, original directory is not removed
Set django CMS 3.3 as stable
Add support for ‘rc’ releases
Only “core” plugins are now supported
Drop support for django-reversion in django CMS 3.4 (due to upstream drop)
Make project-path option optional
Batch mode is now the default one
Add support for conda package manager
Admin user is now created in batch mode by default. Use –no-user option to skip user creation
In batch mode directory is not removed in case of cleanup unless –delete-project-dir is given
Disable permission by default

0.8.12 (2016-08-27)

Pin plugins versions

0.8.11 (2016-07-15)

Better plugins version pinning
Move sitemaps to non-language prefix url
Fallback to UTC when timezone cannot be detected
Pin html5lib version

0.8.10 (2016-05-28)

Add support for django CMS 3.3 final

0.8.9 (2016-05-19)

Add support for django CMS 3.3rc

0.8.8 (2016-05-06)

Force language codes to lowercase
Force i18n if multiple languages is provided
Fix some errors in selecting dependencies
Fix error in Django 1.9 regexp

0.8.7 (2016-02-23)

Add clearer cleanup message

0.8.6 (2016-02-05)

Add support for Django 1.9
Fix formatting CONN_MAX_AGE
Improve error handling in case of fatal error

0.8.5 (2015-12-24)

Fix createsuperuser command

0.8.4 (2015-12-21)

Remove flash plugin from installed plugins
Add --verbose option to improve debug
Fix unicode errors
Improve documentation

0.8.3 (2015-11-25)

Improve text editor plugin version selection
Improve admin style version selection

0.8.2 (2015-11-24)

Add support for django CMS 3.2
Add support for apphook reload middleware
Add viewport meta tag for mobile devices support

0.8.1 (2015-10-11)

Add option to not install plugins
Add Python 3.5 to build matrix
Add argument to pass options to pip
Fix support for custom user models
Dump requirements file in the created project
Improve documentation

0.8.0 (2015-08-30)

Options can now be provided via an ini file for easy scripting
Better migration modules discovery strategy
Minor fixes

0.7.9 (2015-07-21)

Better Django 1.8 support
Fix error with newer Pillow versions

0.7.8 (2015-06-27)

Add Django 1.8 support
Fix template styles

0.7.7 (2015-06-05)

Switch to cloudflare CDN for bootstrap template
Fix support for django-filer 0.9.10

0.7.6 (2015-05-01)

Switch to django CMS 3.1 as stable django CMS release
Rework the Django supported matrix
Always use djangocms-link instead of cmsplugin-filer-link

0.7.5 (2015-04-21)

Add support for django CMS 3.1
Switch to Django 1.7 as stable django release

0.7.4 (2015-04-14)

Add automatic timezone detection
Pin django-reversion versions
Make installer more compatible with windows environment

0.7.3 (2015-04-08)

Fix issues with django CMS requirements
Fix minor issues in shipped templates

0.7.2 (2015-02-08)

Fix Windows compatibility issues
Fix python 3 compatibility issues
Add a flag to skip the project directory emptiness check

0.7.1 (2015-01-15)

Ask for permission before cleanup
Clarify the -p parameter
Check if the project directory is empty before proceeding

0.7.0 (2015-01-10)

Improve support for Django 1.7 and django CMS develop (3.1)
Totally new test strategy
Reverted -I parameter to install packages
Improve support for cleanup after failure

0.6.0 (2014-11-30)

Add support for installing aldryn-boilerplate
Force installing all packages (-I) when creating the project virtualenv
Fix multiplatform support bugs
Update supported Django / django CMS versions
Add preliminary support for django CMS develop (3.1)

0.5.4 (2014-08-14)

Fix reversion version selection for older Django versions
Better project name validation

0.5.3 (2014-07-23)

Add support for easy_thumbnails 2.0 migrations
Fix asking for creating user even when –no-input flag is used
Unpin reversion as django CMS 3.0.3 solves the issue
Versioned dependency for django-filer when installing django CMS 2.4
Switch to official django-filer and cmsplugin-filer releases for CMS 3.0

0.5.2 (2014-05-30)

Pin reversion to 1.8 waiting for a proper fix in django CMS

0.5.1 (2014-05-22)

Fix error in bootstrap template handling
Add clarification about custom template set and starting page

0.5.0 (2014-05-21)

Add dump-requirements argument
Add user provided extra setting
Add FAQ section
Add templates argument
Documentation update

0.4.2 (2014-04-26)

Use current cms.context_processors.cms_settings instead of deprecated one
Document some fixes for library issues
Fix Python 3 issue
Switch default Django version to stable instead of 1.5

0.4.1 (2014-04-09)

Fix some newlines issues in the settings file

0.4.0 (2014-04-09)

Update for django CMS 3.0 stable!
Fixes for settings parameter

0.3.5 (2014-04-03)

Update for django CMS 3.0c2

0.3.4 (2014-03-29)

Fix issues with django CMS 2.4

0.3.3 (2014-03-20)

Better handling of differenct CMS version configuration

0.3.2 (2014-03-18)

Fix some versioned dependency resolve error

0.3.1 (2014-03-16)

Fix error in loading resource files
Fix error with non-standard python executable paths
Fix error with Django 1.6
Fix error installing django-filer

0.3.0 (2014-03-15)

Sync with django CMS RC1 changes
Use external django CMS plugins instead of removed core ones

0.2.0 (2014-02-06)

Project renamed to djangocms-installer
Better default templates
Python 3 compatibility
Django 1.6 compatibility
django CMS 3 beta3 and dev snapshot support
Support for django-admin project templates
Ships Twitter bootstrap templates
Can now creates a dummy starting page

0.1.1 (2013-10-20)

Improve documentation on how to fix installation in case of missing libraries.

0.1.0 (2013-10-19)

First public release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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