djangocms-lab-publications 0.1.5

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangocmslabpublications 0.1.5

djangocms-lab-publications is a Django app for adding sets of scientific publications with PubMed metadata to a Django site with django CMS-specific features. It uses pubmed-lookup to query PubMed using PubMed IDs or PubMed URLs.
Source code is available on GitHub at mfcovington/djangocms-lab-publications. Information about and source code for pubmed-lookup is available on GitHub at mfcovington/pubmed-lookup.

Revision History

pip install djangocms-lab-publications
pip install


Install django CMS and start a project, if one doesn’t already exist.

Unless you use this app as part of djangocms-lab-site or plan to style the app from scratch, you will want to choose the Use Twitter Bootstrap Theme option (when running djangocms) and then edit the resulting templates/base.html. This will add style that looks like Bootstrap 2. To use Bootstrap 3 styling, remove the following line for the bootstrap-theme.min.css stylesheet from templates/base.html:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Do the following in

Add cms_lab_publications and its dependencies to INSTALLED_APPS:
# ...

Add easy_thumbnail settings:
# For easy_thumbnails to support retina displays (recent MacBooks, iOS)

If cms_lab_publications is used in a project served by Apache, a config directory must be created within the Apache user’s home directory. This config directory is used by code within biopython’s Bio.Entrez.Parser.DataHandler which is used by pubmed_lookup, a dependency of cms_lab_publications.
# In this snippet, the Apache user is 'www-data' and
# the Apache user's home directory is '/var/www/'
sudo su - root
cd /var/www/
chown :www-data
chmod g+s
mkdir -p /var/www/.config/biopython/Bio/Entrez/DTDs

Create and perform cms_lab_publications migrations:
python makemigrations cms_lab_publications
python migrate


Start the development server:

python runserver

Create a CMS page.
Insert the Publication Set Plugin into a placeholder field.

Version 0.1.5

Revision History
0.1.5 2015-11-09

Fix styling of vertical filter selector buttons and boxes in response to changes in djangocms-admin-style
Add bottom margin to non-paginated publication lists
Remove ‘Abstract’ button from modal
Resolve Django 1.8 warnings
Update README with more complete and accurate instructions

0.1.4 2015-06-24

Allow manual entry of Publications that don’t have a PubMed ID
Use django-taggit-helpers in admin
Rename deprecated queryset method
Configure bumpversion & wheel for easier distribution
Convert README and changelog to reStructuredText for distribution via PyPI
Minor changes to admin interface

Change pagination description to ‘pubs per page’
Add/update help text for ‘tags’ and ‘pagination’

0.1.3 2015-06-03

Allow bulk PubMed queries for a Publication Set
Allow a Publication Set to be created without publications
Default to no pagination (hides page ‘1’ button for short publication sets)
Set default Publication Set label to ‘Publications’
Admin improvements

Publication Admin

Reorder Publication Admin’s inlines
Add year and PubMed ID to Publication Admin search field
Display (and sort by) # of Publication Sets in Publication Admin

Publication Set Admin

In Publication Set Admin, move publications from a tabular inline to a vertical filter
Reorder Publication Set Admin’s list display items
Filter Publication Set records by whether its Bulk PubMed Query failed
Display whether a Publication Set’s Bulk PubMed Query status is OK


Update and improve layout of help text
Add short descriptions for custom list display items
Add docstring for MissingAttachmentListFilter

0.1.2 2015-05-27

Expand documentation for installation and configuration
Add mini_citation field to Publication

Helps identify publication when in edit mode (without expanding PubMed Metadata fieldset)
Helps naming associated files (PDF, Supplemental, and Image) by providing a base name
Bumps pubmed-lookup dependency to version 0.1.1

Many improvements to Publication and Publication Set Admins

Rearrange Publication Admin fieldsets
Add PublicationSetInline to PublicationAdmin
Add save button across tops of Publication and Publication Set Admins
Now Powered by Blackina
Display whether a record has PDF/Supp/Image attachments in Publication Admin
Filter PublicationAdmin by missing/existing attachments
Filter Publication and Publication Set Admins by tags for the current model only
Show (and sort by) ‘number of publications’ for records in Publication Set Admin

0.1.1 2015-05-23

Allow multiple Publication Set plugins per page
Use Publication Set’s name, not label, for __str__ and ordering

0.1.0 2015-05-22

A Django app for adding sets of scientific publications with PubMed metadata to a Django site with django CMS-specific features


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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