djangoshop-sendcloud 1.2.1

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangoshopsendcloud 1.2.1

SendCloud Shipping Provider Integration for django-SHOP
This integrates the SendCloud API for django-SHOP version 1.0 and above.
for django-SHOP version 1.0 and later:
pip install djangoshop-sendcloud<1.1

At SendCloud create an account.
In your personal account settings, click on Settings. There:

Add a Sender Address.
In Financial > Direct Debit add your recurring payment settings. There your bank account is
charged with € 0.01, but this may take a few hours or even one day until everything is checked.
In Selected Shop select SendCloud API with a name of your choice. There, extract the
Public Key and the Secret Key (see below).

In of the merchant's project:
Add 'shop_sendcloud' to INSTALLED_APPS.
Add 'shop_sendcloud.modifiers.SendcloudShippingModifier' to the list of SHOP_CART_MODIFIERS.
Add 'shop_sendcloud.shipping.OrderWorkflowMixin' to the list of SHOP_ORDER_WORKFLOWS.
If you run django-SHOP with partial delivery, replace the OrderItemSerializer with the one provided:
SHOP_ORDER_ITEM_SERIALIZER = 'shop_sendcloud.serializers.OrderItemSerializer'
and change the workflow to:

Otherwise, without partial delivery, change the workflow to:

Add the Public Key and the Secret Key as provided by SendCloud (see above):
'API_KEY': '<public-key-as-provided-by-SendCloud>',
'API_SECRET': '<secret-key-as-provided-by-SendCloud>',

Since SendClouds sets the Shipping ID for us, we disable that field in the
backend, using SHOP_MANUAL_SHIPPING_ID = False.
SendCloud requires a specific address model, therefore ensure that you "materialize" the one
provided with djangoshop-sendcloud and not the defaults from shop/models/defaults/address.
Typically, it's enough to import the alternative classes for BillingAddress, ShippingAddress
and Customer into of your merchant implementation:
from shop_sendcloud.models.address import BillingAddress, ShippingAddress
from shop_sendcloud.models.customer import Customer

Create two additional database tables as required by djangoshop-sendcloud:
python migrate djangoshop_sendcloud

Finally, load all possible shipping options into your shop:
python sendcloud_import

remember to run this job on a regular basis, say once a week, to update shipping prices.
When django-SHOP renders the form Shipping Method inside the checkout view, additional
options will be available. For each carrier configured in the SendCloud backend, an extra radio
button appears. Whatever the customer selects, will be stored inside django-SHOP's OrderModel.
In the Django Admin backend, only after fulfilling the order, a new button apprears named
PRINT SHIPPING LABEL. Clicking on that button fetches a PDF document from the SendCloud API and
forwards it to the Django Admin interface, from where it can be printed out.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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