djdt-permissions 1.0.2

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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djdtpermissions 1.0.2

Permission panel for Django Debug Toolbar

A simple DjDT panel displaying the permissions granted to the current user, how the
current user obtained each one of them (directly or through a group
membership), and the resulting consolidated permissions set.

Installation (on top of Django Debug Toolbar)
First, install django-debug-toolbar (instructions
here), then:

Install permission panel, either with Pip or Poetry:
pip install 'git+'

or complete your project's pyproject.toml file with XXX TO BE COMPLETED and run poetry install or poetry update.

Add djdt_permission to INSTALLED_APPS, make sure it's below django.toolbar:
Please note that just as the Debug Toolbar, this panel is not supposed to be installed if 'DEBUG' is False.
if DEBUG == True:

Register the new panel by adding path djdt_permissions.panels.PermissionsPanel
to setting DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS (which is entirely conditional to DEBUG). The
sequence of the panels defines their order in the toolbar.
# ... any other panel.

(optional) If you want the panel to be disabled by default, add its full path
# any other panel to disable
# other config settings.

The Permission Panel is used just as any other panel of the Django Debug Toolbar:

Open DJdT overlay;
Enable, disable, consult the panel at will...

Installing the test project
Would you wish to modify/contribute to this project...
NB: The commands below assume that your
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULEis not set, and that the settings will be the default value from,
i.e.'test_project/settings. If it is set to another value, add a --setings=test_project.settingsoption to` commands.

Fork the GIT repo from GitHub. It contains a Django test project.
Install dependencies: poetry install.
Apply migrations: migrate.
Run server: runserver.
Point your browser at http://localhost:8000.

Running the tests
Once the test project is installed (see above), run the tests without coverage measurement: test

or with coverage measurement (report will be in coverage_html/index.html):
coverage run -m manage test [-v2]

To run the tests for all supported python and django combinations:

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