dlffmpeg 0.6.3

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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dlffmpeg 0.6.3

Simple python module/standalone script to download and install the latest (static binary) release of FFmpeg from different sources. You can find the links to these sources on the official homepage of FFmpeg.

Supported systems are Linux, OS X and Windows. Currently armv7 and armv8 architectures are only available for Linux systems.

System (architecture)

Linux (64-/32bit, armv7, armv8)

OS X (64-/32bit, PPC)
http://evermeet.cx/ffmpeg and http://www.ffmpegmac.net

Windows (64-/32bit)

Quick run!
In a hurry or feeling lazy? Run one of these oneliners to download and execute the latest binary release. No python needed.

Linux and OS X:

# Using cURL
curl https://git.io/vDdvo | sudo bash

# Using wget (not installed by default on OSX)
wget -O - https://git.io/vDdvo | sudo bash


At the moment windows users are stuck with downloading and running the latest binary file manually (as admin). But not for long!

Using pip: sudo pip install -U dlffmpeg
or pip with git:
sudo pip install git+https://github.com/iwconfig/dlffmpeg.git

From source code:

git clone https://github.com/iwconfig/dlffmpeg.git
cd dlffmpeg
sudo python setup.py install

dlffmpeg._run() installs into default path if no argument, else
string as path.

getFFmpeg() contains all options, e.g.:

from dlffmpeg import getFFmpeg
dl = getFFmpeg()
dl.path = '/path/to/dir'
dl.silent = True
dl.pretty = True
dl.verbose = False
Execute with dl.run()

Standalone takes one argument for custom path or no argument for default.

~/ $ dlffmpeg --help
usage: dlffmpeg.py [-h] [-s] [-lv] [-p] [--version] [path]

specify installation path. no path equals to default path.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --silent
-lv, --less-verbose
-p, --pretty
--version show program's version number and exit


Use logging module instead
Ability to compile and install from source, cross-platform
Better module support

I am certain my code needs better perspective and from what this script
represent i’m currently not capable of comprehending better principles.
Please feel free to fork and improve. :)

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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