doCheck 0.1.3

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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doCheck 0.1.3

doCheck is an open-source type checking module written in Python, released under the Mulan Permissive Software License v2 (MulanPSL-2.0). This module provides a set of reusable Checker classes for validating properties and conditions of different types of values.
pip install doCheck


Provides various logical operator overload methods such as intersection, union, complement, negation, etc., for composing complex data validation rules.
Includes LiteralChecker (also known as EnumChecker) to check if a value is in a predefined list.
TypeChecker is used to validate if a value belongs to a specific collection of data types.
RangeChecker supports conditional checks within a numeric range and allows customization of interval closure.
Additionally, CallableChecker and RegexChecker are provided to check if a value is a callable object and if a string matches a regular expression, respectively.

Usage Example
import doCheck as dc

# Create checker instances
is_integer = dc.TypeChecker(int)
is_even = dc.RangeChecker(0, float('inf'), leftClosed=True, step=2)
is_valid_name = dc.RegexChecker(r'^[A-Za-z]+\s[A-Za-z]+$')

# Apply checkers
print(is_integer.check(42)) # Output: True
print(is_even.check(10)) # Output: True
print(is_valid_name.check("John Doe")) # Output: True

doCheck module is licensed under the Mulan Permissive Software License v2.0. For more information about this license, please visit:
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Note: To use this module, make sure to import it correctly and comply with the relevant open-source license terms.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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