drf-signed-auth 0.1.1

Creator: danarutscher

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drfsignedauth 0.1.1

DRF Signed Auth===============A stateless authentication backend intended to temporarily exposeprotected resources.|Build Status| |Code Coverage|Why?----The motivation for this package comes from a frequent projectrequirement to directly download served by the API in formats like CSVor Excel within the context of a single-page-application.Within this context, authentication cannot be achieved using HTTPHeaders, as the resource is accessed directly through a URL via an``<a>`` tag. Therefore, a temporary signature passed in the query stringmust be used to authenticate the request.This package uses Django's cryptographic signing to produce ashort-lived signature. It provides a view used to produce the signatureand a DRF authentication backend.Is this secure?---------------Use this backend with caution and sparingly. Anyone with a copy of thesigned URL will be able to access a protected resource, so keep theexpiry time short (see settings), and ensure that the Django``SECRET_KEY`` setting is kept private.Requirements------------- Python 2.7 / 3.6- Django 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11- Django REST Framework 3.6, 3.7Installation------------``pip install drf-signed-auth``Quick start-----------Register the SignUrlView in ``urls.py``.. code:: python # urls.py from django.conf.urls import url from drf_signed_auth.views import SignUrlView urlpatterns = [ ... url(r'^sign-url/$', SignUrlView.as_view(), name='sign-url'), ... ]Use the authentication backend on the view you wish to expose... code:: python # views.py from drf_signed_auth.authentication import SignedURLAuthentication from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.views import APIView class MyCSVView(APIView): ... authentication_classes = [SignedURLAuthentication] permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated] ...Usage-----Obtain the signature by making a POST request to the Sign URL endpoint,and provide the ``url`` of the endpoint you wish to access. This can bea relative or absolute path.Example~~~~~~~:: # Request POST /sign-url HTTP/1.1 HOST your.api.host Content-Type: application/json {"url": "/path"} # Response http://your.api.host/path?sig=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe returned URL will be valid for the time specified by the``SIGNED_URL_TTL``.Settings--------The following settings may be configured in your project's``settings.py``+------+------+------+| Sett | Desc | Defa || ing | ript | ult || | ion | |+======+======+======+| ``SI | The | ``30 || GNED | time | `` || _URL | in | (sec || _TTL | seco | onds || `` | nds | ) || | for | || | whic | || | h | || | the | || | sign | || | atur | || | e | || | is | || | vali | || | d | |+------+------+------+| ``SI | The | ``si || GNED | quer | g`` || _URL | ystr | || _QUE | ing | || RY_P | vari | || ARAM | able | || `` | name | |+------+------+------+| ``SI | Perm | ``[r || GNED | issi | est_ || _URL | on | fram || _PER | clas | ewor || MISS | ses | k.pe || ION_ | on | rmis || CLAS | the | sion || SES` | sign | s.Is || ` | ed | Auth || | URL | enti || | view | cate || | | d]`` |+------+------+------+.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/marcgibbons/drf_signed_auth.png?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/marcgibbons/drf_signed_auth.. |Code Coverage| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/marcgibbons/drf_signed_auth/branch/master/graph/badge.svg :target: https://codecov.io/gh/marcgibbons/drf_signed_auth


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