dropafile 0.1.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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dropafile 0.1.1

Drop me a file, securely.
| documentation | sources | issues
dropafile provides an HTTPS-secured webapp where users can drop
It is meant as a channel to deliver documents in a not-too-unsecure
manner. For instance as a quickly installable workaround if people are
not able or willing to use GnuPG or similar, although they have
sensible documents to send.
dropafile is written in Python (server parts) and uses the
dropzonejs JavaScript library (client parts). The builtin server is
based on Werkzeug.

As a user, run:
$ pip install dropafile
then, start the local server:
$ dropafile
Creating temporary self-signed SSL certificate...
Certificate in: /tmp/tmp1y2bgh/cert.pem
Key in: /tmp/tmp1y2bgh/cert.key
Password is: H93rqnsrdEXD2ad3rQwdWqZ
* Running on https://localhost:8443/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
The server will provide SSL. Users can access dropafile sevice
pointing their browsers to the location given. The page is protected
by basic auth. Users will have to provide an arbitrary user name and
the password displayed on the commandline at startup (which changes
with restart).
The –help option will display all available options:
$ dropfile --help
usage: dropafile [-h] [--host HOST] [-p PORT] [-s PASSWORD]

Start dropafile app.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST Host we bind to. An IP address or DNS name.
`localhost` by default.
-p PORT, --port PORT Port we listen at. An integer. 8443 by default.
Password to access dropafile. If none is given we
generate one.
Whenever a user sends a file, the path is displayed on the

Developer Install
Developers should install a virtualenv first:
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 py27 # for Python2.7
See tox.ini for all Python versions supported.
Activate the virtualenv:
$ source py27/bin/activate
(py27) $
Now build the devel environment:
(py27) $ python setup.py dev
You can run tests like this:
(py27) $ py.test
Tests for all supported (and locally available) Python vesions can be
run by:
(py27) $ pip install tox # neccessary only once per virtualenv
(py27) $ tox


0.1.1 (2015-03-30)

Turned former dropafile module into a Python package. This is to
fix installation behvior where data files are installed in different
locations depending on install tool. See diceware bug #1.
The problem was revealed by conorsch for the diceware package.

0.1 (2015-03-22)

Initial release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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