drt 1.2.1

Creator: bradpython12

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drt 1.2.1

DRT is a command line based DVD copying and ripping management program.
It requires dvdbackup to copy
the DVD to disc and HandBrakeCLI to
transcode the video.
It allows you to setup transcoding of your DVD with meaningful track
names for later processing when your computer is idle.
DRT is optimised for TV series based DVD ripping.
There is a config file at ~/.config/drt.yaml.

This is still in beta, if you want to test it use a virtualenv and a
reasonably new version of python3, vis:
# debian based distros (ubuntu etc).
mkdir drt
cd drt
mkvirtualenv --system-site-packages --python=/usr/bin/python3 drt
pip install drt
dvdprocess -v
You’ll need to create a configuration file at $HOME/.config/drt.yaml
# $HOME/.config/drt.yaml
device: /dev/sr0
rootdir: ~/Videos/dvd
dvdoutput: ~/Videos/dvd/output
outputdir: ~/Videos/dvd/incoming
tmpdir: ~/Videos/dvd/bare
completeddir: ~/Videos/dvd/processed
saveddir: ~/Videos/dvd/saved
handbrake: /usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI
dvdbackup: /usr/bin/dvdbackup
eject: /usr/bin/eject
shorttrack: 300
only the keys device, rootdir, handbrake, dvdbackup and
shorttrack are required, the rest are inferred.

A small python program that uses dvdbackup to copy the DVD to your hard
disc. When run, it asks for a name for the DVD. This is how it will be
known to dvdprocess.

dvdprocess allows you to set a title for the video files, with automatic
series and episode numbering. The Series/Episode tag can be removed by
setting the Series number to -1.
dvdprocess command module.

part of the drt package.

dvdprocess --help
dvdprocess -v
dvdprocess --version
dvdprocess --allsaved
dvdprocess -A
dvdprocess --listsaved
dvdprocess -l
dvdprocess --incoming
dvdprocess -r
dvdprocess --saved SAVEDNAME ...
dvdprocess -s SAVEDNAME ...
dvdprocess --first
dvdprocess -S

-A --allsaved process all saved DVDs.
-h --help this help message.
-l --listsaved list all saved DVDs and exit.
-r --incoming read the incoming dir. and build the DVD tree for editing. Default action
if no options supplied.
-s --saved SAVEDNAME process the saved DVD for SAVEDNAME, can be repeated.
-S --first process the first saved DVD and exit.
-v --version version info.

Process module of drt application

dvdprocess on it's own will read the incoming directory and start the naming process.

Reads a copied dvd directory.
Produces an info file.
Allows user to name the dvd and assign episode numbers and names to the tracks.
Allows user to select which tracks to process.
Allows user to toggle the burning in of subtitles.
Allows user to save the edited data for processing at a later time.

After copying 2 DVDs I have 2 folders in my incoming directory:
$ ls ~/Videos/dvd/incoming
jjds2d2 SPIRAL_S2_D2
Running dvdprocess I’m presented with the following (short tracks,
less than 5 minutes are not shown):
$ ./dvdprocess -r
DVD: jjds2d2
Series Name: jjds2d2
Series ID: 1
Start Episode: 1
+ 2 - jjds2d2 2 - 02:59:11 - 10751 - English/English
+ 3 - jjds2d2 3 - 01:29:29 - 5369 - English/English
+ 4 - jjds2d2 4 - 01:29:42 - 5382 - English/English
edit [d]vd, edit [t]racks, [s]ave, s[k]ip, [o]k (o) >
the menu allows me to edit the DVD name, series number and starting
episode number
edit [d]vd, edit [t]racks, [s]ave, s[k]ip, [o]k (o) > d
Series Name (jjds2d2) > Judge John Deed
Series number (1) > 2
Starting Episode Number (1) > 3
DVD: jjds2d2
Series Name: Judge John Deed
Series ID: 2
Start Episode: 3
+ 2 - Judge John Deed S02E03 - 02:59:11 - 10751 - English/English
+ 3 - Judge John Deed S02E04 - 01:29:29 - 5369 - English/English
+ 4 - Judge John Deed S02E05 - 01:29:42 - 5382 - English/English
which, as you can see has changed the name of each track, giving it
series and episode numbers. Editing the track menu allows me to add
track titles and select which tracks are to be processed.
edit [d]vd, edit [t]racks, [s]ave, s[k]ip, [o]k (o) > t
+ 2 - Judge John Deed S02E03 - 02:59:11 - 10751 - English/English
+ 3 - Judge John Deed S02E04 - 01:29:29 - 5369 - English/English
+ 4 - Judge John Deed S02E05 - 01:29:42 - 5382 - English/English
Now I select the track naming option:
edit (s)elected tracks, edit (b)urnin subtitles, edit track (n)ames () > n
+ 2 - Judge John Deed S02E03 - 02:59:11 - 10751 - English/English
+ 3 - Judge John Deed S02E04 - 01:29:29 - 5369 - English/English
+ 4 - Judge John Deed S02E05 - 01:29:42 - 5382 - English/English
Select track number or (e)xit track editor. () > 3
Track 3 title: () > Nobody's Fool
+ 2 - Judge John Deed S02E03 - 02:59:11 - 10751 - English/English
+ 3 - Judge John Deed S02E04 - 01:29:29 - 5369 - English/English Nobody's Fool
+ 4 - Judge John Deed S02E05 - 01:29:42 - 5382 - English/English
Select track number or (e)xit track editor. () > 4
Track 4 title: () > Everyone's Child
+ 2 - Judge John Deed S02E03 - 02:59:11 - 10751 - English/English
+ 3 - Judge John Deed S02E04 - 01:29:29 - 5369 - English/English Nobody's Fool
+ 4 - Judge John Deed S02E05 - 01:29:42 - 5382 - English/English Everyone's Child
Select track number or (e)xit track editor. () > e
DVD: jjds2d2
Series Name: Judge John Deed
Series ID: 2
Start Episode: 3
+ 2 - Judge John Deed S02E03 - 02:59:11 - 10751 - English/English
+ 3 - Judge John Deed S02E04 - 01:29:29 - 5369 - English/English Nobody's Fool
+ 4 - Judge John Deed S02E05 - 01:29:42 - 5382 - English/English Everyone's Child
track selection:
edit [d]vd, edit [t]racks, [s]ave, s[k]ip, [o]k (o) > t
+ 2 - Judge John Deed S02E03 - 02:59:11 - 10751 - English/English
+ 3 - Judge John Deed S02E04 - 01:29:29 - 5369 - English/English Nobody's Fool
+ 4 - Judge John Deed S02E05 - 01:29:42 - 5382 - English/English Everyone's Child
edit (s)elected tracks, edit (b)urnin subtitles, edit track (n)ames () > s
Tracks to process ([2, 3, 4]) > 3 4
DVD: jjds2d2
Series Name: Judge John Deed
Series ID: 2
Start Episode: 3
2 - jjds2d2 2 - 02:59:11 - 10751 - English/English
+ 3 - Judge John Deed S02E03 - 01:29:29 - 5369 - English/English Nobody's Fool
+ 4 - Judge John Deed S02E04 - 01:29:42 - 5382 - English/English Everyone's Child
As you can see by de-selecting track 2 the remaining tracks are
re-numbered accordingly. I then saved the information for processing
later. dvdprocess then moves onto the next DVD in the directory.
edit [d]vd, edit [t]racks, [s]ave, s[k]ip, [o]k (o) > s
Series Name: SPIRAL_S2_D2
Series ID: 1
Start Episode: 1
+ b 1 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 1 - 03:30:17 - 12617 - Francais/English
+ b 2 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 2 - 00:50:36 - 3036 - Francais/English
+ b 3 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 3 - 00:55:07 - 3307 - Francais/English
+ b 4 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 4 - 00:52:23 - 3143 - Francais/English
+ b 6 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 6 - 00:52:11 - 3131 - Francais/English
7 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 7 - 00:00:48 - 48 - none/none
The b next to the selected track shows that dvdprocess has
detected that the main audio track and the first sub-title track have
different languages (Francais/English in this case). It has
automatically selected to burn the subtitles onto the video track. This
can be turned off in the track editor.
edit [d]vd, edit [t]racks, [s]ave, s[k]ip, [o]k (o) > t
+ b 1 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 1 - 03:30:17 - 12617 - Francais/English
+ b 2 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 2 - 00:50:36 - 3036 - Francais/English
+ b 3 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 3 - 00:55:07 - 3307 - Francais/English
+ b 4 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 4 - 00:52:23 - 3143 - Francais/English
+ b 6 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 6 - 00:52:11 - 3131 - Francais/English
7 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 7 - 00:00:48 - 48 - none/none
edit (s)elected tracks, edit (b)urnin subtitles, edit track (n)ames () > b
+ b 1 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 1 - 03:30:17 - 12617 - Francais/English
+ b 2 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 2 - 00:50:36 - 3036 - Francais/English
+ b 3 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 3 - 00:55:07 - 3307 - Francais/English
+ b 4 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 4 - 00:52:23 - 3143 - Francais/English
+ b 6 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 6 - 00:52:11 - 3131 - Francais/English
7 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 7 - 00:00:48 - 48 - none/none
Toggle Burnin (Track Num or (A)ll) () > 1
Series Name: SPIRAL_S2_D2
Series ID: 1
Start Episode: 1
+ 1 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 1 - 03:30:17 - 12617 - Francais/English
+ b 2 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 2 - 00:50:36 - 3036 - Francais/English
+ b 3 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 3 - 00:55:07 - 3307 - Francais/English
+ b 4 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 4 - 00:52:23 - 3143 - Francais/English
+ b 6 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 6 - 00:52:11 - 3131 - Francais/English
7 - SPIRAL_S2_D2 7 - 00:00:48 - 48 - none/none
The rest of the process is the same as for the first DVD.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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