ecs-pipeline-deploy 0.5.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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ecspipelinedeploy 0.5.1

An opinionated deployment application for ECS services.
On execution ecs-pipeline-deploy will examine the current task definition in
the cluster for the current service.
If the tags are different it will:

Modify the existing task definition replacing the image in the task definition
Update the service to use the new task definition
Optionally wait for the new tag to be up and running and all other task
definitions for the service to stop.

If the tags are the same it will optionally redeploy the service if --redeploy was specified;
or optionally copy the task definition to a new one and deploy as if the tags were different with the —force argument;
or exit in error if the image tags match and neither --redeploy nor --force was specified.

usage: ecs-pipeline-deploy [-h] [-f] [-r] [-w] [-o] [-d DELAY] [-v] [-V]

Opinionated ECS deployment made easy

positional arguments:
CLUSTER The ECS cluster name to deploy in (default: None)
SERVICE The ECS Service name to deploy (default: None)
IMAGE The Docker image (with tag) to deploy for finding the
task definition (default: None)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --force Create a new task definition for the image even if one
already exists for the tagged version (default: False)
-r, --redeploy Force a redeployment if the tagged images match
(default: False)
-w, --wait Wait for running tasks to be replaced (default: False)
-o, --only-new If waiting, wait for only newly deployed tasks to be
running (default: False)
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
Seconds to delay before checking tasks while waiting
on a deployment to finish (default: 5)
-v, --verbose
-V, --version show program's version number and exit


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