ecs_composex 1.1.5

Creator: bradpython12

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ecs composex 1.1.5

The no-code CDK for docker-compose & AWS ECS
Deploy your services to AWS ECS from your docker-compose files in 3 steps

Step 1. Install ECS Compose-x
Step 2. Use your existing docker-compose files. Optionally, add Compose-X extensions.
Step 3. Deploy to AWS via CloudFormation.

What does it do?

Automatically deploy applications to AWS using existing docker-compose files

Deploys multiple applications to AWS in a single command
Creates AWS resources such as EC2 Instances, ECS Clusters and Containers
Automatically configures IAM roles and Networking for secure and reliable access

Expand the definitions with AWS CloudFormation resources
Allows to use existing resources in your AWS Account
Can be extended with custom modules/hooks to customize the deployment process
Automatically rolls back the application in case of errors, to previous version or to a stable state

Useful Links

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Compatibility Matrix

# Inside a python virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install pip -U
pip install ecs-composex

# For your user only
pip install ecs-composex --user

# Get all the options
ecs-compose-x -h

# Simple example using docker-compose file and an extension with your AWS Settings
ecs-compose-x render -d templates -n my-new-stack -f docker-compose.yaml -f aws-settings.yaml


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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