edc-form-runners 0.3.10

Creator: danarutscher

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edcformrunners 0.3.10

Classes to manually run modelform validation for clinicedc/edc projects.

The FormRunner class
You can use the FormRunner to rerun modelform validation on all instances of a model.
For example:
runner = FormRunner("intecomm_subject.vitals")
This re-runs form.is_valid() for all instances of intecomm_subject.vitals.
If the Vitals ModelForm does not validate, the FormRunner stores each error
of the form.errors dictionary in model Issue where
one instance of Issue is created per field_name:error_message pair.
Note: Your model must be registered with Admin.

You can run a FormRunner for every CRF/Requisition model in a module:
from django.apps import apps as django_apps
from edc_form_runners.run_form_runners import run_form_runners

or just list a few models explicitly:
from django.apps import apps as django_apps
from edc_form_runners.run_form_runners import run_form_runners

run_form_runners(model_names=["intecomm_subject.vitals", "intecomm_subject.medications"])

Custom FormRunners
You may wish to ignore some errors; that is, prevent FormRunner from creating an Issue instance
for specific fields that do not validate. To do this create a custom FormRunner for your model
and list the field names to exclude:
class HtnMedicationAdherenceFormRunner(FormRunner):
model_name = "intecomm_subject.htnmedicationadherence"
exclude_formfields = ["pill_count"]
Now you can use the custom FormRunner:
runner = HtnMedicationAdherenceFormRunner()
if field pill_count does not validate, the error message will not be written to the Issues table.

Registering Custom FormRunners
A custom FormRunner must be registered to be used by edc_form_runners.
Declare your custom FormRunnners in module form_runners.py in the root of your app:
# form_runners.py
from edc_form_runners.decorators import register
from edc_form_runners.form_runner import FormRunner

class HtnMedicationAdherenceFormRunner(FormRunner):
model_name = "intecomm_subject.htnmedicationadherence"
exclude_formfields = ["pill_count"]

class DmMedicationAdherenceFormRunner(FormRunner):
model_name = "intecomm_subject.dmmedicationadherence"
exclude_formfields = ["pill_count"]
The register decorator registers the custom classes with site_form_runners.

edc_form_runners gets FormRunners using get_form_runner.
Given a model name in label_lower format, get_form_runner checks the site global (site_form_runners) and returns
a custom FormRunner, if it exists, otherwise returns the default FormRunner.
In your code you should use get_form_runner:
# good, returned DmMedicationAdherenceFormRunner instead of the default FormRunner
runner = get_form_runner("intecomm_subject.dmmedicationadherence")

# works but does not use your custom form runner
runner = FormRunner("intecomm_subject.dmmedicationadherence")

Management Command run_form_runners
You can use the management command run_form_runners to run form runners for some or
all CRF/Requisitions. Run this command to initially populate Issue table and whenever you
change validation logic for a form.
Pass the management command one or more app_labels separated by comma:
>>> python manage.py run_form_runners -a intecomm_subject
or pass one or more model names (label_lower format) separated by comma:
>>> python manage.py run_form_runners -m intecomm_subject.vitals,intecomm_subject.dmmedicationadherence
You can skip a model as well:
>>> python manage.py run_form_runners -a intecomm_subject -s intecomm_subject.medicationadherence

Issue ChangeList
The ChangeList for the Issue model is available in edc_data_manager and edc_form_runners.
You would typically use the one in edc_data_manager.
From the change list you can:

search, filter and re-order
refresh selected Issue instances from the action menu.
navigate to a subject`s dashboard

Integrated with the Subject Dashboard
The subject dashboard shows an “Issues” badge next to a CRF or Requisition if one exists. You can
hover over the badge to see some of the error messages detected when the FormRunner last ran.
If a user edits a CRF with a detected issue and the corrected form validates withour error, the
Issue instance is deleted and the badge is no longer displayed.
(See also signals.py)

FormRunner is clinicedc specific
At the moment, the FormRunner class is currently clinicedc specific in that it only works for models with a
subject_identifier or related_visit FK (e.g. subject_visit).
The post_save signal that updates Issues listens for clinicedc CRFs and Requisitions by testing if the model instance
is an instance of CrfModelMixin, CrfNoManagerModelMixin or RequisitionModelMixin.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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