edc-pdf-reports 0.3.20

Creator: danarutscher

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edcpdfreports 0.3.20

Reportlab/PDF classes for clinicedc/edc projects

This module offers functionality to link a PDF report to a model registered with ModelAdmin.
The CrfPdfReport class links a PDF report to a model registered with ModelAdmin. A link as is added
to the changelist that opens an intermediate page to ask for a password. From the intermediate page
a secure file is downloaded into the browser. See also PdfIntermediateView and PrintPdfReportView.
For this to work, you need to:

create a pdf report class;
declare the model with the PdfReportModelMixin and set the pdf_report_cls attr on the model;
declare the model’s ModelAdmin class with PdfButtonModelAdminMixin;
add print_to_pdf_action to Modeladmin.actions (required to print one or more pdfs using actions);
add “pdf_button” to the list_display (required for pdf button to appear on each row);
update your app’s urls;
add edc_pdf_reports to INSTALLED_APPS.

Your changelist will include options for printing one or many PDF reports into a
password protected and secure PDF file.

DeathReport as an example
edc_adverse_event has this configured for its DeathReport model. Let’s use this as an example.
Create the DeathReport model:
# models.py

class DeathReport(PdfReportModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):

pdf_report_cls = DeathPdfReport
Create the DeathPdfReport class. DeathPdfReport inherits from CrfPdfReport. Link the model and
changelist_url` to this PDF report class.
# death_pdf_report.py

class DeathPdfReport(CrfPdfReport):
model = f"{get_adverse_event_app_label()}.deathreport"
changelist_url = (

def get_report_story(self, **kwargs):
Declare the ModelAdmin class with PdfButtonModelAdminMixin:
# admin.py

class DeathReportModelAdmin(PdfButtonModelAdminMixin, DeathReportModelAdminMixin):
actions = [print_to_pdf_action]
list_display = ["subject_identifier", "pdf_button", ...]
Update your url patterns:
# urls.py
url_patterns = [
Add to settings:
# settings.py
Your changelist will have the new column “PDF” and the print as pdf action will be available.

The intermediate page, linked from the changelist, will look like this:

Note the passphrase and click “Create File”. The file will be created in the view and downloaded by the browser.

Creating a PDF file outside of the view
The view PrintPdfReportView uses function write_queryset_to_secure_pdf to create a PDF.
You can access this function directly.
For example:
import mempass
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from edc_pdf_reports.utils import write_queryset_to_secure_pdf, write_model_to_insecure_pdf
from effect_ae.models import DeathReport

dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
p = Path(dir)
qs = DeathReport.objects.all()
user = User.objects.get(username="erikvw")

# create a secure PDF file for the queryset
q = p / "death_reports_secure.pdf"
password = mempass.mkpassword(2)
buffer = write_queryset_to_secure_pdf(queryset=qs, password=password, user=user)

# create an insecure PDF file for one model instance
q = p / "death_reports_insecure.pdf"
model_obj = qs[0]
buffer = write_model_to_insecure_pdf(model_obj, user=user)


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