edition 1.0.0a14

Creator: bradpython12

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edition 1.0.0a14

📰 Edition
WARNING: This is a pre-release project.
Edition is a command-line application for creating beautiful HTML and Markdown editions of your projects' documentation.
In fact, the document you're reading right now was pressed by Edition.

Getting started

Quick-start example


Command line
Creating your source document

Front matter

Code execution
Table of Contents




Write your documentation once.Edition presses README.md and HTML documents ready to upload directly to GitHub Pages or any other static hosting, all from the same source.
Works out of the box.With one command, Edition converts your existing README.md to beautiful HTML: edition README.md index.html --press html
Embed your code samples.Edition executes embedded code and injects the results automatically.

Getting started
Edition requires Python 3.8 or later.
Install Edition via pip:
pip install edition

Quick-start example
Create this Markdown document as example-source.md:
# Edition example

Save this file to your local machine as `example-source.md`
then run:

edition example-source.md example.html --press html

Now open `example.html` in a web browser. The code example
below will be complete.

python --version


edition docs/example-source.md docs/example.html --press html

Pressed: docs/example.html

Fun fact! The code above is executed every time I press this documentation. That gives me confidence that it works and lets you see the actual example.html it generates.
Command line
Edition takes three command line arguments:

Source file
Destination file
--press html to press HTML or --press markdown to press Markdown

Creating your source document
Your source document is the Markdown document from which all your editions will be pressed.
Any Markdown document you already have -- like your project's README.md -- is already a valid source document, but we can add some front matter and additional markup to help guide the presses.
Front matter
The following front matter properties come into play only when pressing HTML.


Author name
No author

Emoji to use as favicon
No favicon

Page title
Top-level heading

For example:
author: Cariad Eccleston
favicon-emoji: 🍕
# If "title" was omitted then the top-level "Example"
# heading would be used instead:
title: Embedded Example

# Example

Code execution
To have Edition execute your code then embed the result:

Create a regular Markdown code block
Add <!--edition-exec--> after the block

For example:
print("Hello, world!")


If your code fails then an error message will be injected:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'foo' is not defined

Currently only bash and python code blocks are supported. More languages can be added if they are requested.
Table of Contents
To insert a table of contents:
<edition value="toc" />

You can optionally specify "hi" and "lo" values to restrict the table to a range of headings.
For example, to exclude the title and start at second-level headings:
<edition value="toc" hi="2" />

To exclude any headings below level three:
<edition value="toc" lo="2" />

To contribute a bug report, enhancement or feature request, please raise an issue at github.com/cariad/edition/issues.
If you want to contribute a code change, please raise an issue first so we can chat about the direction you want to take.
Edition is released at github.com/cariad/edition under the MIT Licence.
See LICENSE for more information.
Hello! 👋 I'm Cariad Eccleston and I'm a freelance DevOps and backend engineer. My contact details are available on my personal wiki at cariad.earth.
Please consider supporting my open source projects by sponsoring me on GitHub.

The beautiful Dracula for Pygments theme is copyright of Dracula Theme and used under the MIT licence.
Epic thanks to John Gruber for releasing the Markdown specification.
Code injection is performed by dinject, copyright of Cariad Eccleston and used under the MIT licence.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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