edx-api-doc-tools 1.8.0

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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edxapidoctools 1.8.0

edX API Documentation Tools

A toolkit for documenting REST APIs that are created with DRF.
The tools use drf-yasg (DRF, yet another Swagger generator) to generate an
OpenAPI Specification, which is a .json/.yaml file that describes your API.
Additionally, this package makes it easy to configure your service to expose
generated OpenAPI specification under /api-docs.yaml and to serve interactive
documentation under /api-docs.
This library was developed for use with Open edX services, but could be used
to document any Django REST Framework API.

Quick Start
To start using this tool in your project, see
Adding edx-api-doc-tools to your project.
To write docs using this tool, see
Writing API documentation.

Comphrehensive documentation is coming soon. For now, check out the example/
directory, which shows a fake API using these tools to generate documentation.

The code in this repository is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0
unless otherwise noted.
Please see LICENSE.txt for details.

How To Contribute
Contributions are very welcome. Please read How To Contribute for details.
Even though they were written with edx-platform in mind, the guidelines
should be followed for all Open edX projects.
The pull request description template should be automatically applied if you
are creating a pull request from GitHub. Otherwise you can find it at
The issue report template should be automatically applied if you are creating
an issue on GitHub as well. Otherwise you can find it at ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md.

Reporting Security Issues
Please do not report security issues in public. Please email security@openedx.org.

Getting Help
Have a question about this repository, or about the Open edX project in general? Please refer to this list of resources if you need any assistance.

Change Log


1.8.0 — 2024-02-29

Add support for python 3.11 and 3.12 support.
Removed django32 support.

1.7.0 — 2023-07-23

Switch from edx-sphinx-theme to sphinx-book-theme since the former is
Add support for Django 4.2

1.6.0 — 2022-02-11

Dropped support for django 2.2, 3.0, 3.1
Added support for Django 4.0

1.5.0 — 2021-07-19

Added support for django 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2

1.4.3 — 2021-07-15

Removed Django constraints from base.in

1.4.2 — 2021-01-08

Dropped python3.5 support.

1.4.1 — 2020-11-20

Updated the travis-badge in README.rst to point to travis-ci.com

1.4.0 — 2020-10-05

Adding option to include a body parameter in requests.

1.3.2 — 2020-09-23

Adding option to specify url patterns for generated docs.

1.3.1 — 2020-05-29

Removing caniusepython3 as it is no longer needed since python3 upgrade.

1.3.0 — 2020-04-30

Remove support for Django<2.2 and add support for python 3.8

1.2.0 — 2020-03-20

Added three new decorators for excluding endpoints from API documentation generation:


1.1.0 — 2020-03-20

Compatibility with Django 2.1 and 2.2.

1.0.3 — 2020-01-31

Added documentation.

1.0.2 — 2020-01-17

First release on PyPI.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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