electrumsv-sdk 0.0.50

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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electrumsvsdk 0.0.50

ElectrumSV Software Development Kit
This project provides a consolidated set of resources that together can allow a developer, whether
working on ElectrumSV directly or on an application based on ElectrumSV, to develop, run and test
while offline (and is especially aimed at facilitating rigourous CI/CD functional testing).
Licence: The Open BSV License
Maintainers: Roger Taylor, AustEcon
Project Lead: Roger Taylor
Language: Python (>=3.9)
Homepage: https://electrumsv.io/

Detailed documentation is hosted here
Basic Instructions
To install from pypi:
> pip install --upgrade electrumsv-sdk

Now you have global access to a script called 'electrumsv-sdk.exe' from
any console window.
For help:
> electrumsv-sdk --help

Note: You must run electrumsv-sdk install <component type>
first for each component type. This may require system dependencies
you also need - please read the documentation.
If you want help for one of the subcommands (e.g. 'start') do:
> electrumsv-sdk start --help

Which will show:
usage: electrumsv-sdk start [-h] [--new] [--gui] [--background] [--inline] [--new-terminal] [--id ID] [--repo REPO] [--branch BRANCH] {electrumsv,merchant_api,node,status_monitor,whatsonchain,whatsonchain_api} ...

positional arguments:
electrumsv start electrumsv
merchant_api start merchant_api
node start node
status_monitor start status_monitor
whatsonchain start whatsonchain
whatsonchain_api start whatsonchain_api

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--new run a new instance with unique 'id'
--gui run in gui mode (electrumsv only)
--background spawn in background
--inline spawn in current shell
--new-terminal spawn in a new terminal window
--id ID human-readable identifier for component (e.g. 'worker1_esv')
--repo REPO git repo as either an https://github.com url or a local git repo path e.g. G:/electrumsv (optional)
--branch BRANCH git repo branch (optional)

Note: The "optional arguments" come before specifying the component_type e.g.:
> electrumsv-sdk start --new --id=myspecialnode node

Docker support is here: https://github.com/electrumsv/electrumsv-sdk-docker. However,
do note that we cannot promise to keep the docker support up-to-date as we are stretched
too thin and have other priorities. Nevertheless, help will be gladly accepted.
You might also find what you need here: https://github.com/jadwahab/regtest-stack.
Please check that one out too. Jad and co. are better placed to keep up with the bleeding
edge versioning of the node, mAPI and LiteClient services as they are directly involved
with many of those projects. They also do not have the additional python layer of
abstraction to sort out when it comes to docker.
App Versions
The current versions of each component are maintained in


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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