entest 0.1.16

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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entest 0.1.16

God is testing you
Most of the testing frameworks are pretty old and all of them (python or otherwise) treat unit tests as first class citizens.
The ideas of this lib are based on the Testing Trophy. This means that we consider integration tests to be more important.
This lib provides a convenient way to explicitly define dependency relationships between tests. Improves transparency of globally needed assets (think fixtures but better).
For how that would look like practically see tests/example.py. This code is referred to in my PyCon talk.

pip install entest[all]

See tests/example.py.
To have a test implicitly depend on all other tests use run_last flag. This is the case for teardown of critical resources for example users. To skip these tests use --skip-teardown or set ENTEST_SKIP_TEARDOWN environment variable.
To have all tests implicitly depend on a given test place it closer to the root of the graph.
Use setup_setup to take advantage of depends_on default behavior. (i.e. for the first decorated function in a module TEST_ROOT is taken do be the previous test)
To have a test depend on another test NOT being run use without flag. This is usefull for testing error flows.
Please do not maintain a fork! Make a pull request and if it is not obviously bad I will merge it in a timely manner.
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install poetry
poetry install
echo "
alias entest="python3 ./entest/cli.py"
" >> .venv/bin/activate
alias entest="python3 ./entest/cli.py"

I would like to change a lot of things structure-wise, but API will stay the same. In particular:

depends_on decorator with kwargs previous, run_last and without.
STATUS classificator. I see how it can be misused easily, but I will still ship this footgun.

Run tests
entest --graph
entest --skip-teardown
entest --env env_name tests/example.py --snoop


Better error output with stackprinter.
Verbose mode that automatically applies pySnooper or cyberbrain.
An init command that sets up the tests folder with env subfolder.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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