entry-points-txt 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

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entrypointstxt 0.2.0

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entry-points-txt provides functions for reading & writing
entry_points.txt files according to the spec. That is the one thing it
does, and it endeavors to do it well.

entry-points-txt requires Python 3.6 or higher. Just use pip for Python 3 (You have pip, right?) to install
python3 -m pip install entry-points-txt


class EntryPoint(NamedTuple)
A representation of an entry point as a namedtuple. Instances have the
following attributes and methods:

group: str
The name of the entry point group (e.g., "console_scripts")

name: str
The name of the entry point

module: str
The module portion of the attribute reference (the part before the colon)

attr: Optional[str]
The attribute/object portion of the attribute reference (the part after the
colon), or None if not specified

extras: Tuple[str, ...]
Extras required for the entry point

load() -> Any
Returns the object referred to by the entry point

to_line() -> str
Returns the representation of the entry point as a line in
entry_points.txt, i.e., a line of the form name = module:attr [extras]

EntryPointSet = Dict[str, Dict[str, EntryPoint]]
An alias for the return type of load() & loads() and the argument type
of dump() & dumps(). Entry points are organized into a dict that
maps group names to sub-dicts that map entry point names to EntryPoint

entry_points_txt.load(fp: IO[str]) -> EntryPointSet
Parse a file-like object as an entry_points.txt-format file and return the
For example, the following input:
foo = package.__main__:main
bar = package.cli:klass.attr

quux = package.thingy [xtr]
would be parsed as:
"console_scripts": {
"foo": EntryPoint(group="console_scripts", name="foo", module="package.__main__", attr="main", extras=()),
"bar": EntryPoint(group="console_scripts", name="bar", module="package.cli", attr="klass.attr", extras=()),
"thingy.extension": {
"quux": EntryPoint(group="thingy.extension", name="quux", module="package.thingy", attr=None, extras=("xtr",)),

entry_points_txt.loads(s: str) -> EntryPointSet
Like load(), but reads from a string instead of a filehandle

entry_points_txt.dump(eps: EntryPointSet, fp: IO[str]) -> None
Write a collection of entry points to a file-like object in
entry_points.txt format. A ValueError is raised and nothing is written
if the group or name key under which an EntryPoint is located does not
match its group or name attribute.

entry_points_txt.dumps(eps: EntryPointSet) -> str
Like dump(), but returns a string instead of writing to a filehandle

entry_points_txt.dump_list(eps: Iterable[EntryPoint], fp: IO[str]) -> None
Write an iterable of entry points to a file-like object in entry_points.txt
format. If two or more entry points have the same group & name, only the last
one will be output.

entry_points_txt.dumps_list(eps: Iterable[EntryPoint]) -> str
Like dump_list(), but returns a string instead of writing to a filehandle

class ParseError(ValueError)
Exception raised by load() or loads() when given invalid input


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