enversion 0.2.17

Creator: bradpython12

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enversion 0.2.17

### What is Enversion?Enversion is a server-side tool that sits in front of your Subversionrepositories and validates incoming commits. It can detect a wide varietyof problematic commits ([over 80](/lib/evn/constants.py#L34)) and will blockthem at the pre-commit stage.Enversion was designed specifically for enterprise Subversion deployments,which have vastly different usage patterns than typical open source Subversionrepositories.See the [wiki](/../../wiki/) for more information: - [Tutorial 1 - Creating a new, Enversion-enabled Subversion Repository](/../../wiki/Tutorial-1-New-Repository) - [Tutorial 2 - Enabling Enversion against an existing Subversion Repository](/../../wiki/Tutorial-2-Existing-Repository)### Installation & Quick Start: CheatsheetPre-requisites:```% wget http://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda-3.3.0-Linux-x86_64.sh% bash Miniconda-3.3.0-Linux-x86_64.sh% source ~/.bashrc% conda config --add channels enversion```To install:```% conda install enversion```To update to the latest version:```% conda update enversion```To create isolated environments with different versions:```% conda create -n evn-0.2.5 enversion=0.2.5% source activate evn-0.2.5``````% conda create -n evn-0.2.6 enversion=0.2.6% source activate evn-0.2.6```To create a new Subversion repository automatically protected by Enversion:```% evnadmin create foo```To verify Enversion is installed and working:```% evnadmin show-repo-hook-status test+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Repository Hook Status for 'test' || (/home/evnadm/test) |+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Name | Exists? | Valid? | Exe? | Cnfgrd? | Enbld? | Rdb? |+---------------------|---------|--------|------|---------|--------|------+| post-revprop-change| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || start-commit| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || post-lock| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || pre-lock| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || post-unlock| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || pre-unlock| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || pre-commit| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || post-commit| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || pre-revprop-change| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N ||=====================|=========|========|======|=========|========|======|| evn.sh| Y | Y | Y | 9/9 | 9/9 | - |+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+```To enable Enversion against an existing repository, first, analyze it:```% evnadmin analyze myrepo```Then enable:```% evnadmin enable myrepo```Tutorials: - [Tutorial 1 - Creating a new, Enversion-enabled Subversion Repository](/../../wiki/Tutorial-1-New-Repository) - [Tutorial 2 - Enabling Enversion against an existing Subversion Repository](/../../wiki/Tutorial-2-Existing-Repository)### Installation Guide - DetailedThe easiest (and recommended) way to install Enversion is via ``conda``, thecross-platform (Windows, Linux and OS X) binary package manager from [ContinuumAnalytics](http://continuum.io).> Already have ``conda`` installed? Enversion installation is simple:> ```> % conda config --add channels enversion> % conda install enversion> ```You can get ``conda`` in one of two ways: - Install [Anaconda](https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/) (245MB to 483MB depending on platform). - Install [Miniconda](http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html#miniconda) (18MB to 30MB depending on platform).[Anaconda](https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/) is a fully-fledged,completely free, enterprise-ready Python distribution for large-scale dataprocessing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing. [It ships withover 125 of the most popular Python packages for science, math, engineering anddata analysis](http://docs.continuum.io/anaconda/pkgs.html).[Miniconda](http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html#miniconda) is a bare-bonesversion of Anaconda that only includes the small subset of Python packagesrequired by ``conda``.> Pro-tip: installed Miniconda, but want to try out Anaconda? Simply run:> ```> % conda install anaconda> ```#### Miniconda Installation (Linux)Miniconda installation is trivial:```[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]wgethttp://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda−3.3.0−Linux−x8664.sh−−2014−03−2508:12:37−−http://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda−3.3.0−Linux−x8664.shResolvingrepo.continuum.io...||:80...connected.HTTPrequestsent,awaitingresponse...200OKLength:19998995(19M)[application/x−sh]Savingto:‘Miniconda−3.3.0−Linux−x8664.sh′1002014−03−2508:12:50(2.07MB/s)−‘Miniconda−3.3.0−Linux−x8664.sh′saved[19998995/19998995][evnadm@centos5x64 ]```Once downloaded, simply execute the file via bash to install:```[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]bashMiniconda−3.3.0−Linux−x8664.shWelcometoMiniconda3.3.0(byContinuumAnalytics,Inc.)Inordertocontinuetheinstallationprocess,pleasereviewthelicenseagreement.Please,pressENTERtocontinue>>>===================================AnacondaENDUSERLICENSEAGREEMENT===================================<snip>1.YouincludeacopyofthisEULAinallcopiesofthederivedsoftware.2.InadvertisingandlabelingmaterialforproductsbuiltwithAnacondaDoyouapprovethelicenseterms?[yes|no][no]>>>yesMinicondawillnowbeinstalledintothislocation:/home/evnadm/miniconda−PressENTERtoconfirmthelocation−PressCTRL−Ctoaborttheinstallation−Orspecifyandifferentlocationbelow[/home/evnadm/miniconda]>>>PREFIX=/home/evnadm/minicondainstalling:python−2.7.6−1...installing:openssl−1.0.1c−0...installing:pycosat−0.6.0−py270...installing:pyyaml−3.10−py270...installing:readline−6.2−2...installing:sqlite−−0...installing:system−5.8−1...installing:tk−8.5.13−0...installing:yaml−0.1.4−0...installing:zlib−1.2.7−0...installing:conda−3.3.0−py270...Python2.7.6::ContinuumAnalytics,Inc.creatingdefaultenvironment...installationfinished.DoyouwishtheinstallertoprependtheMinicondainstalllocationtoPATHinyour/home/evnadm/.bashrc?[yes|no][no]>>>yesPrependingPATH=/home/evnadm/miniconda/bintoPATHin/home/evnadm/.bashrcAbackupwillbemadeto:/home/evnadm/.bashrc−miniconda.bakForthischangetobecomeactive,youhavetoopenanewterminal.ThankyouforinstallingMiniconda!‘‘‘Thensimplysource.bashrcagain(oropenanewterminal)andyoushouldhaveaccesstoconda:‘‘‘[evnadm@centos5x64 ] source .bashrc[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]whichconda /miniconda/bin/conda‘‘‘ThensimplyrunthefollowingtoinstallEnversion:‘‘‘[evnadm@centos5x64 ] conda config --add channels enversion[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode```This will install Enversion, which is administered via the command line program``evnadmin``, and all required dependencies. Note that the entire installationis contained within the Miniconda installation, ensuring that there aren't anyconflicts with other versions of Subversion/HTTPD that may be installed on yoursystem.Additionally, because the Enversion conda package manages all dependencies, noroot access is required, nor are there any base-system RPM dependencies. Thisis one of the reasons conda is the recommended installation technique.```[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]whichsvn /miniconda/bin/svn[evnadm@centos5x64 ] which evnadmin~/miniconda/bin/evnadmin[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]evnadmincreatetest[evnadm@centos5x64 ] evnadmin show-repo-hook-status test+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Repository Hook Status for 'test' || (/home/evnadm/test) |+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Name | Exists? | Valid? | Exe? | Cnfgrd? | Enbld? | Rdb? |+---------------------|---------|--------|------|---------|--------|------+| post-revprop-change| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || start-commit| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || post-lock| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || pre-lock| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || post-unlock| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || pre-unlock| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || pre-commit| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || post-commit| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N || pre-revprop-change| Y | - | Y | Y | Y | N ||=====================|=========|========|======|=========|========|======|| evn.sh| Y | Y | Y | 9/9 | 9/9 | - |+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+```#### UpgradingUpgrading to the latest version of Enversion is trivial:```[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode evnadmin version0.2.6```If there are no new versions available:```[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode conda create -n enversion-0.2.5 enversion=0.2.5Fetching package metadata: ...Solving package specifications: .Package plan for installation in environment /home/evnadm/miniconda/envs/enversion-0.2.5:The following packages will be linked: package | build ---------------------------|----------------- apr-1.5.0 | 0 hard-link apr-iconv-1.2.1 | 0 hard-link apr-util-1.5.3 | 0 hard-link enversion-0.2.5 | py27_1 hard-link expat-2.1.0 | 0 hard-link httpd-2.2.26 | 0 hard-link openssl-1.0.1c | 0 hard-link pcre-8.31 | 0 hard-link python-2.7.6 | 1 hard-link readline-6.2 | 2 hard-link serf-1.2.1 | 0 hard-link sqlite-3.7.13 | 0 hard-link subversion-1.8.8 | py27_0 hard-link swig-2.0.12 | py27_0 hard-link system-5.8 | 1 hard-link tk-8.5.13 | 0 hard-link zlib-1.2.7 | 0 hard-linkProceed ([y]/n)? yLinking packages ...[ COMPLETE ] |##################################################| 100%## To activate this environment, use:# You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode source deactivate#[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]sourceactivateenversion−0.2.5discarding/home/evnadm/miniconda/binfromPATHprepending/home/evnadm/miniconda/envs/enversion−0.2.5/bintoPATH(enversion−0.2.5)[evnadm@centos5x64 ] which evnadmin~/miniconda/envs/enversion-0.2.5/bin/evnadmin(enversion-0.2.5)[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]evnadminversion0.2.5(enversion−0.2.5)[evnadm@centos5x64 ] source deactivatediscarding /home/evnadm/miniconda/envs/enversion-0.2.5/bin from PATH[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode source activate enversion-0.2.6## To deactivate this environment, use:# You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode source activate enversion-0.2.6discarding /home/evnadm/miniconda/bin from PATHprepending /home/evnadm/miniconda/envs/enversion-0.2.6/bin to PATH(enversion-0.2.6)[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]whichevnadmin /miniconda/envs/enversion−0.2.6/bin/evnadmin(enversion−0.2.6)[evnadm@centos5x64 ] evnadmin version0.2.6(enversion-0.2.6)[evnadm@centos5x64 ~]$```### Quick Start```evnadmin create foosvn mkdir -m "Initializing repository." file://`pwd`/foo/trunksvn mkdir -m "Initializing repository." file://`pwd`/foo/branchessvn mkdir -m "Initializing repository." file://`pwd`/foo/tagssvn cp -m "Branching trunk to 1.x." file://`pwd`/foo/trunk \ file://`pwd`/foo/branches/1.xsvn cp -m "Branching trunk to 2.x." file://`pwd`/foo/trunk \ file://`pwd`/foo/branches/2.xsvn cp -m "Tagging 1.0." file://`pwd`/foo/trunk \ file://`pwd`/foo/tags/1.0```Root tracking:```% evnadmin show-roots fooShowing roots for repository 'foo' at r6:{'/branches/1.x/': {'created': 4}, '/branches/2.x/': {'created': 5}, '/tags/1.0/': {'copied_from': ('/trunk/', 5), 'copies': {}, 'created': 6, 'creation_method': 'copied', 'errors': []}, '/trunk/': {'created': 1}}%```Individual root information:```% evnadmin root-info /branches/1.x/ foo'/branches/1.x/': { 'copies': { }, 'copied_from': ('/trunk/', 3), 'creation_method': 'copied', 'errors': [], 'created': 4,}%```Forward-copy information:```% evnadmin root-info /trunk/ foo'/trunk/': { 'copies': { 3: [('/branches/1.x/', 4)], 4: [('/branches/2.x/', 5)], 5: [('/tags/1.0/', 6)] }, 'creation_method': 'created', 'created': 1,}```Extensive protection [against over 80+ types of undesirable commits](/lib/evn/constants.py#L34):```% svn co file://`pwd`/foo foo.wc% cd foo.wc% svn mkdir branches/3.x% svn ci -m "Manual directory creation."Adding branches/3.xsvn: E165001: Commit failed (details follow):svn: E165001: Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output:error: errors:{'/branches/3.x/': ['branch directory created manually']}Commits with errors or warnings can be forced through by the following repository admins: <none>, or support staff:% svn ci -m "Removing tag." tags/1.0Deleting tags/1.0svn: E165001: Commit failed (details follow):svn: E165001: Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output:error: errors:{'/tags/1.0/': ['tag removed']}Commits with errors or warnings can be forced through by the following repository admins: <none>, or support staff:```


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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