eos-downloader 0.10.2

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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eosdownloader 0.10.2

Arista Software Downloader
Script to download Arista softwares to local folder, Cloudvision or EVE-NG.
pip install eos-downloader

CLI commands
A new CLI is available to execute commands. This CLI is going to replace eos-download script which is now marked as deprecated
Usage: ardl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Arista Network Download CLI

--version Show the version and exit.
--token TEXT Arista Token from your customer account [env var:
--help Show this message and exit.

debug Debug commands to work with ardl
get Download Arista from Arista website

To use this CLI you need to get a valid token from your Arista Account page.
For technical reason, it is only available for customers with active maintenance contracts and not for personnal accounts

Download EOS Package

Supported packages are: EOS, cEOS, vEOS-lab, cEOS64

CLI gives an option to get latest version available. By default it takes latest F release
ardl get eos --image-type cEOS --latest

If you want to get latest M release, you can use --release-type:
ardl get eos --image-type cEOS --release-type M --latest

You can download a specific EOS packages with following commands:
# Example for a cEOS package
$ ardl get eos --version 4.28.3M --image-type cEOS

Available options are :
Usage: ardl get eos [OPTIONS]

Download EOS image from Arista website

--image-type [64|INT|2GB-INT|cEOS|cEOS64|vEOS|vEOS-lab|EOS-2GB|default]
EOS Image type [required]
--version TEXT EOS version
-l, --latest Get latest version in given branch. If
--branch is not use, get the latest branch
with specific release type
-rtype, --release-type [F|M] EOS release type to search
-b, --branch TEXT EOS Branch to list releases
--docker-name TEXT Docker image name (default: arista/ceos)
[default: arista/ceos]
--output PATH Path to save image [default: .]
--log-level, --log [debug|info|warning|error|critical]
Logging level of the command
--eve-ng Run EVE-NG vEOS provisioning (only if CLI
runs on an EVE-NG server)
--disable-ztp Disable ZTP process in vEOS image (only
available with --eve-ng)
--import-docker Import docker image (only available with
--image_type cEOSlab)
--help Show this message and exit.

You can use --latest and --release-type option to get latest EOS version matching a specific release type
# Get latest M release
❯ ardl get eos --latest -rtype m
🪐 eos-downloader is starting...
- Image Type: default
- Version: None
🔎 Searching file EOS-4.29.3M.swi
-> Found file at /support/download/EOS-USA/Active Releases/4.29/EOS-4.29.3M/EOS-4.29.3M.swi
✅ Downloaded file is correct.
✅ processing done !

List available EOS versions from Arista website
You can easily get list of available version using CLI as shown below:
❯ ardl info eos-versions
Usage: ardl info eos-versions [OPTIONS]

List Available EOS version on Arista.com website.

Comes with some filters to get latest release (F or M) as well as branch

- To get latest M release available (without any branch): ardl info eos-
versions --latest -rtype m

- To get latest F release available: ardl info eos-versions --latest
-rtype F

-l, --latest Get latest version in given branch. If
--branch is not use, get the latest branch
with specific release type
-rtype, --release-type [F|M] EOS release type to search
-b, --branch TEXT EOS Branch to list releases
-v, --verbose Human readable output. Default is none to
use output in script)
--log-level, --log [debug|info|warning|error|critical]
Logging level of the command
--help Show this message and exit.

❯ ardl info eos-versions -rtype m --branch 4.28
['', '4.28.6M', '', '4.28.5M', '4.28.4M', '4.28.3M']

Download CVP package

Supported packages are: OVA, KVM, RPM, Upgrade

$ ardl get cvp --format upgrade --version 2022.2.1 --log-level debug --output ~/Downloads

Available options are :
--format [ova|rpm|kvm|upgrade] CVP Image type [required]
--version TEXT CVP version [required]
--output PATH Path to save image [default: .]
--log-level, --log [debug|info|warning|error|critical]
Logging level of the command
--help Show this message and exit.

Repository requires Python >=3.6 with following requirements:

On EVE-NG, you may have to install/upgrade pyOpenSSL in version 23.0.0:
# Error when running ardl: AttributeError: module 'lib' has no attribute 'X509_V_FLAG_CB_ISSUER_CHECK'

$ pip install pyopenssl --upgrade

Please refer to docker documentation
From an original idea of @Mark Rayson in arista-netdevops-community/eos-scripts
Code is under Apache2 License


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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