exiftoolgui 0.1.5

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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exiftoolgui 0.1.5

ExifTool GUI (with Claude 3.5 Sonnet)
Welcome to ExifTool GUI, the badass desktop wizard for digital anarchists and cybernauts who want to manipulate EXIF data like a boss. This tool lets you hack away the unnecessary digital footprint or tweak it to perfection.

EXIF Data Recon: Dive deep into the metadata jungle with JSON pretty-printing (great for ComfyUI data). Know what Big Brother knows!
Tag Manipulator: Edit EXIF tags like a street artist revises urban landscapes.
Memory Wipe: Strip all EXIF data clean off your images—go incognito.
Batch Rebellion: Conquer multiple images at once; batch process like a pro.

Before you can unleash the full power of ExifTool GUI, you'll need to make sure your rig is properly equipped:

ExifTool: This is the core engine behind the scenes. ExifTool must be installed on your machine for our GUI to do its magic. Without it, you’re going nowhere, fast.

Installing ExifTool:
On macOS:
If you’re wielding a Mac, just pop open your terminal and fire this up:
brew install exiftool

On Linux:
For the Linux commandos, you can deploy ExifTool using your package manager. For most distros, that’ll look something like:
sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl

sudo yum install perl-Image-ExifTool

Make sure these are set up, and you're ready to dive into the digital deep end with ExifTool GUI. Let the chaos commence!
Gear up to install ExifTool GUI using pip, the tool of choice for Python rebels:
pip install exiftoolgui

or better
pipx install exiftoolgui

Note: This renegade software demands that ExifTool be installed on your system and lurking in your PATH like a ninja.
Ignite the ExifTool GUI application and start bending digital reality by running:
python -m exiftoolgui

or better

This project is unleashed under the WTFPL License – Do What The F**k You Want To Public License. Your imagination is the only limit, push it to the boundaries!
Join the Revolution
Dive into the code, fork it, twist it, break it, and remake it. This is not just software; it's a manifesto. Strap in, fire up your terminals, and let the pixels fly!

Remember, in the world of digital art and privacy wars, ExifTool GUI is your graffiti can, your lock pick, and your invisibility cloak. Use it wisely, or wildly—the choice is yours!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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