ezsub 2021.9.7

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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ezsub 2021.9.7


ezsub downloads subtitles from subscene.com and its persian clones
such as subf2m.co.
For more details see How ezsub Works.

Table of Contents

How to use

Download: ezsub dl
Extract Previously Downloaded Subtitles: ezsub unzip
Login: ezsub login
Info: ezsub info
Config: ezsub config
Clean: ezsub clean
Update: ezsub update
Backup: ezsub backup
History: ezsub history

Report Errors


unrar [optional]

Install latest published release using pip3
# linux and mac
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade ezsub

# windows
python -m pip install --user --upgrade ezsub

For installing latest in progress version from github (not recommended) use this command:
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade https://github.com/7aman/ezsub/archive/master.zip

# windows
python -m pip install --user --upgrade https://github.com/7aman/ezsub/archive/master.zip

See here for more details.

How to Use
ezsub dl -t|-T TITLE -l LNG1 [LANG2 ...] -d DESTINATION -s SITE1 [SITE2 ...] -a|-A -o|-O -S -g|G

For details on each switch see this
# if search keywords are distinctive enough, use auto select (-a)
ezsub dl -t riverdale third season -l fa -a

# determine site. If site is not responding, ezsub will choose first responding site automatically.
ezsub dl -t game of thrones -s subscene

# movies, tv series, video musics are not different.
ezsub dl -t how to train your dragon

# if you know exact title used in url use this -T
# for example subscene page for first season of "the end of the f***ing world" is:
# https://subscene.com/subtitles/the-end-of-the-fing-world
ezsub dl -T the-end-of-the-fing-world

# extract here and relative to here (both windows and unix)
ezsub dl -t aquaman -d .
ezsub dl -t aquaman -d ./children/to/here
ezsub dl -t aquaman -d ../sibling/to/here

# absolute and relative path (unix)
ezsub dl -t aquaman -d /absolute/path/to/a/destination
ezsub dl -t aquaman -d ~/relative/path/to/home/directory

# absolute path (windows)
ezsub dl -t aquaman -d 'D:\Movies\Aquaman\'

Extract Previously Downloaded Subtitles
ezsub unzip -t|-T Title of Movie or TV Series -l LNG1 [LNG2 ...] -d DESTINATION -a|-A -o|-O -g|-G

switches are same as ezsub dl switches except there is no -s and -S. ezsub searches through "cache" folder. Rest is same as the download process.
More Details
Since June 2019, subscene added google re-captcha. If user logs in, this captcha will not be required anymore.
At now (October 2019) it is easy to get a token even without user and password. Also persian mirrors such as 'hasti' and 'subf2m' do not require login.
ezsub info
ezsub info -v {-t|-s|-n}

prints some useful information such as version and cache folder details.
With -v lists all downloaded titles with size and number of files sorted by title (-t). for sorting based on size (s) and number of files (n) use -s and -n.
ezsub config show
ezsub config set OPTION VALUE

command to show or change default values.
More Details
ezsub config set Defaults.site hasti
# to reset to default
ezsub config set Defaults.languages -

ezsub clean -t|-T TITLE -l LNG1 [LNG2 ...] [-0] -a|-A
ezsub clean --all -l LNG1 [LNG2 ...] [-0] -a|-A

searches cache directory for given title and language. then:

with -0 or --zero it will replace each downloaded files with empty zip files.
without -0 it will delete downloaded files completely.

If you want to delete or empty all subtitles use --all switch.
ezsub update

Check if there is a new version of ezsub available. If user confirms, new version will be installed.
Also if last check was before 7 days ago, at next call it warns user to check for update.
Create a zip archive from cache folder. It accepts -d option for destination and -o|-O for opening destination folder after backup is completed.
To check history of previously called ezsub command.
# show previous calls
ezsub history show
# or simply:
ezsub history

# select a previous call [its line number] to run again.
ezsub history run NUMBER

# short version
ezsub h show|run

Report Errors
ezsub logs some messages that could be found in ROOT/ezsub.log file.
If you getting error, you can run each ezsub command with --loglevel=Debug switch. Get ezsub.log content and create an issue here to report.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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