f2-commander 0.1.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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f2commander 0.1.0

F2 Commander
F2 Commander is an orthodox file manager for the modern world.

F2 Commander is usable, with a core set of features implemented. While it is
functional, development is ongoing. See the "Roadmap" below for a complete
feature list and their status. This is a personal project with all its
implications. See the "About" section below for more information. Users are
encouraged to contribute and report issues.
From source:
poetry build
pipx install [--force] dist/f2_commander-0.1.0.tar.gz

This software is designed to work in Linux and MacOS. It should also work in
WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

Start by running f2 in your terminal emulator
Hit ? to see the built-in help
Hit q to quit

F2 Commander mission is to bring the experience of an orthodox file
manager into the world of modern computing.
F2 Commander main principles are:

"file system" can be anything that contains files, blobs, etc.
focus on the tasks for file manipulation
discoverability of file systems (making file systems easy to navigate)
discoverability of the tool itself (making it easy and evident to use)
the software should be easy to adapt, shape and extend


User Interface

Two-panel interface
Classic footer with common user actions

Contextual footer (changes actions based on context)
Configurable key bindings. "Modern" and "Retro" bindings out of the box.

Command Palette
File Info / Preview panel
Drop to shell (command line) temporarily
Theming. "Modern" and "Retro" themes out of the box.


User configuration file
UI for most common configuration options

Options for user-defined viewer, editor, shell, and default file actions
Enable/disable CWD following the user selection
Enable/disable case sensitivity when ordering by name
List dirs first toggle
Starting directory for each pane (cwd, home, fixed path, or last location)


Basic file and directory info: entry names, human-readable size,
last modification time, show and follow symlinks, etc.
Vim-like (up/down j/k g/G ctrl+f/d/b/u) navigation
Navigate "up" (with backspace or with the ".." entry)
Order entries by name, size, time (last modification time)
Filter entries with glob
Directory summary in the file listing footer
"List dirs first/inline" toggle
Ordering by name case sensitivity on/off
Quick search: navigate file list by typing in the file names
Navigate to path (enter path, with auto-completion)
Bookmarks (set and navigate to the bookmarks)
"Same location" and "Swap panels" actions
CWD follows user selection
Detect external changes and update file listing when possible
Open current location in the OS default file manager

File and directory manipulation

Basic operations like copy, move, move to trash, etc.

Confirmation dialogs and user inputs (destination path, etc.)
Multiple file selection
Progress bar for long operations
Option to delete files (as opposed to moving to trash)

View and edit files using user default viewer and editor
"Open" files with a default associated program (e.g., view PDF, etc.)
Run programs (run executable files)
Create a new directory
Create a new file
"Show/hide hidden files" toggle
Create and modify symlinks, show broken, and other symlink tasks
Compute directory size on selection

"File systems" support

"Local" OS file system
... show must go on ...

Archival and compression support

ZIP (read, create, update)
... and more ...


Built-in help
User manual

Windows support. You are probably better off with WSL, but some day, maybe...

Test all features in Windows
Then, maybe plan fixes

User experience and app behavior:


"Do not ask me again" option in "safe" dialogs (e.g., "Quit" dialog)
Allow "Enter" and "y" keys in "safe" dialogs for confirmation


Save user's choises between restarts (hidden files toggle, dirs first, etc.)
Consistent cursor positioning

... on the source directory when navigating "up"
... on the source link when navigating back from symlink
... on the nearest entry after delete or move

Clicking on list headers changes ordering in according columns

Known bugs to fix:

Restore the "show hidden files" state when switching back to the file list
after having used a different panel type.

Errors in copy, move, etc. are not handled (e.g., destination directory
doesn't exist, etc.). Note that not only preconditions should be checked,
but also the errors should be handled (e.g., destination can be deleted
during copy, network connection dropped, etc.)

".." path is allowed for selection and can be copied, moved, etc.; handle
".." and empty selections better

File info and preview panels show nothing on start unless a selection is
changed in the file list.

Default viewer, editor, shell and "open" programs are mostly MacOS-specific,
choices are too rigid. Make sure defaults work on clean MacOS and Linux

File list has an unnecessary 2-column (2 character wide) gap even when no
vertical scroll bar is present (2 characters are reserved for the scroll

Ctrl+U / Ctrl+D should scroll half a page (not en entire page)

Selection is always cleared if "Hidden files" toggle is changed

Development environment
This project uses Poetry for dependency management and as a build tool. The
configuration is conventional, use as usual:
poetry install --with dev

It also uses black, flake8, isort, mypy and pytest. An IDE or an LSP should
pick up their configuration, or they can be executed with poetry. For example:
poetry run pytest

To run all code quality controls and linters:

To run the application from source code:
poetry run f2

To run the application with dev tools:
poetry run textual console [-v -x SYSTEM -x EVENT -x DEBUG -x INFO] # this first!
poetry run textual run --dev f2.app:F2Commander

"F2" is a loose interpretation of "a File manager with 2 side-by-side
panels", and "Commander" is an homage to the old-school orthodox file managers.
"F2 Commander" is a personal project that has grown into a full-fledged file
manager and is now open-sourced. Being a personal project means that: a) my
intent is to follow the "Roadmap" outlined above, but development and bug fixing
may be irregularly-paced and priorities may shift; b) the intent is to keep it
stable, yet future versions may include backward-incompatible changes where that
would seem practical to do.
Bug reports, feature requests and pull requests are welcome.
If you plan to contirbute to the source code, see the "Development environment"
above, and make sure to run the linters.
This application is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.
Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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