fahrplan 1.1.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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fahrplan 1.1.2

Goal: Simple access to the SBB/CFF/FFS timetable service from the commandline with human
readable argument parsing.
Relies on the public transport API by opendata.ch: http://transport.opendata.ch/
Fahrplan supports Python 3.5+.

To install the current version using pip, issue:
$ sudo pip install fahrplan
To install from this repository, clone it and use:
$ python setup.py fahrplan

fahrplan --help:
usage: fahrplan [--full] [--info] [--debug] [--help] [--version]
[--proxy PROXY]

A SBB/CFF/FFS commandline based timetable client.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
--full, -f Show full connection info, including changes
--info, -i Verbose output
--debug, -d Debug output
--help, -h Show this help
--version, -v Show version number
--proxy PROXY, -p PROXY
Use proxy for network connections (host:port)

You can use natural language arguments using the following
keywords in your desired language:
en -- from, to, via, departure, arrival
de -- von, nach, via, ab, an
fr -- de, à, via, départ, arrivée

You can also use natural time and date specifications in your language, like
- "now", "immediately", "at noon", "at midnight",
- "tomorrow", "monday", "in 2 days", "22/11".

fahrplan from thun to burgdorf
fahrplan via bern nach basel von zürich, helvetiaplatz ab 15:35
fahrplan de lausanne à vevey arrivée minuit
fahrplan from Bern to Zurich departure 13:00 monday
fahrplan -p proxy.mydomain.ch:8080 de lausanne à vevey arrivée minuit

Testing is done using tox and nosetests.
To run the tests on supported Python versions:
$ ./test.sh

The sourcecode is available on Github: https://github.com/dbrgn/fahrplan

The code is licensed as GPLv3. See LICENSE file for more details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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