fifofile 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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fifofile 1.0.0

FiFoFile v1.0.0
A class that makes it easy to read and write lines in FiFo files (named pipes). This class was created to open a FiFo file and keep reading that file like a tail -f. Its use is not recommended for reading a single line.
A FiFo file does not generate I/O consumption or occupy disk space. Using a FiFo file, you can read tens of thousands of lines per second indefinitely. For sending logs to a FIFO file, we recommend using syslog-ng.
The FiFoFile class detects when syslog is restarted and automatically reopens the FiFo file, preventing the application from trying to read a file that has been closed and increasing CPU consumption.
pip install fifofile

Imagine a scenario where syslog-ng must send log lines to a FiFo file and you need to read those lines sent to that FiFo file.

Create a FiFo file:

mkfifo /var/log/my_fifo_file.fifo
chmod 666 /var/log/my_fifo_file.fifo

Configure syslog-ng (rsyslog or syslog) to send a copy of your application's logs directly to this fifo file.


Use the FifoFile class to read these lines in real time

from fifofile import FiFoFile

fifo = FiFoFile('/var/log/my_fifo_file.fifo')
counter = 0
for line in fifo.readline():
counter += 1
if counter == 50:
fifo.stop_reading() # is important to use this method to EXIT THE GENERATOR and CLOSE THE FIFO FILE.
print(">>>>>>> STOPPED AS REQUESTED")

from fifofile import FiFoFile

with FiFoFile('/var/log/my_fifo_file.fifo') as fifo: # When you exit this block, the FiFo file is closed.
counter = 0
for line in fifo.readline(): # keep reading indefinitely
print(line) # do some cool stuff with the line


__init__(self, fifo_file_path:str, create_if_not_exists:bool=False, create_mode:str='0o666', polling_timeout:float=1.0)
Constructor method for the FiFoFile class.

fifo_file_path (str): The path to the FIFO file.
create_if_not_exists (bool, optional): If True, creates the FIFO file if it doesn't exist. Defaults to False.
create_mode (str, optional): The file mode to use when creating the FIFO file. Defaults to '0o666'.
polling_timeout (float, optional): The timeout value for polling the FIFO file. Defaults to 1.0.

create_fifo_file(fifo_file_path:str, create_mode:str='0o666', raise_if_exists:bool=False) -> bool
Static method to create a fifo file. You don't need to instantiate the class to use it.

fifo_file_path (str): The path to the FIFO file.
create_mode (str, optional): The file mode to use when creating the FIFO file. Defaults to '0o666'.
raise_if_exists (bool, optional): If True, raises an exception if the file already exists. Defaults to False.

is_fifo_file(fifo_file_path:str) -> bool
Static method to check if a file is a fifo file. You don't need to instantiate the class to use it.

fifo_file_path (str): The path to the file.

Method to stop the reading process. Important to use this method to EXIT THE GENERATOR and CLOSE THE FIFO FILE.

writeline(self, line:str, flush:bool=True)
Method to write a line to the fifo file. This method opens the FiFo, writes the line, and closes the FiFo.

line (str): The line to write to the fifo file.
flush (bool, optional): If True, flushes the fifo file after writing. Defaults to True.

read(self, size:int) -> Generator[Any, Any, Any]
Method to read a line with a fixed size from the fifo file and return it as a generator.

size (int): The maximum number of characters to read.

readline(self, strip_line:bool=True) -> Generator[str, None, None]
Method to read a line (until "\n") from the fifo file and return it as a generator.

strip_line (bool, optional): If True, strips leading and trailing whitespace from the line. Defaults to True.

Method to support the with statement.

__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
Method to support the with statement.

To Do List

Add asyncio support

Sugestions, feedbacks, bugs...
Open an issue or e-mail me: ricardoabuchaim at


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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