filebridging 0.0.9

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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filebridging 0.0.9

Share files via a bridge server using TCP over SSL and end-to-end encryption.
Python3.8+ is needed for this package.
You may find it here.
OpenSSL 1.1.1+ is required as well to handle SSL connection and end-to-end cryptography.
On Windows, installing git for Windows will install OpenSSL as well.
If you need a virtual environment, create it.
python3.8 -m venv env;
alias pip="env/bin/pip";
alias python="env/bin/python";

Install filebridging and read the help.
pip install filebridging
python -m filebridging.server --help
python -m filebridging.client --help


Client-server example
# 3 distinct tabs
python -m filebridging.server --host localhost --port 5000 --certificate ~/.ssh/server.crt --key ~/.ssh/server.key
python -m filebridging.client s --host localhost --port 5000 --certificate ~/.ssh/server.crt --token 12345678 --password supersecretpasswordhere --path ~/file_to_send
python -m filebridging.client r --host localhost --port 5000 --certificate ~/.ssh/server.crt --token 12345678 --password supersecretpasswordhere --path ~/Downloads

Client-client example
# 2 distinct tabs
python -m filebridging.client s --host localhost --port 5000 --certificate ~/.ssh/server.crt --key ~/.ssh/private.key --token 12345678 --password supersecretpasswordhere --path ~/file_to_send --standalone
python -m filebridging.client r --host localhost --port 5000 --certificate ~/.ssh/server.crt --token 12345678 --password supersecretpasswordhere --path ~/Downloads

The receiver client may be standalone as well: just add the --key parameter (for SSL-secured sessions) and the --standalone flag.

Configuration file example

host = ""
port = 5000
certificate = "/path/to/public.crt"
key = "/path/to/private.key"

action = 'r'
password = 'verysecretpassword'
token = 'sessiontok'
file_path = '.'

Generating SSL certificates
You may use script or use openssl from the command line.
Via script
python -m filebridging.create_certificate --name example --domain --force

Via command line
Store configuration in file mycert.csr.cnf and run the following command to generate a self-signed SSL certificate.
openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout ./mycert.key \
-x509 -days 365 -out ./mycert.crt \
-config mycert.csr.cnf

[ req ]
default_bits = 4096
prompt = no
default_md = sha256
distinguished_name = dn

[ dn ]
CN =


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