firebird-base 1.8.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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firebirdbase 1.8.0

Firebird base modules for Python

The firebird-base package is a set of Python 3 modules commonly used by Firebird Project
in various development projects (for example the firebird-driver or Saturnin). However, these
modules have general applicability outside the scope of development for Firebird.

Table of Contents


pip install firebird-base

firebird-base is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
Common data types
The types module provides collection of classes and other types that are often used by
other library modules or applications.

Exception Error that is intended to be used as a base class of all application-related
errors. The important difference from Exception class is that Error accepts keyword
arguments, that are stored into instance attributes with the same name.
Singleton base class for singletons.
Sentinel base class for named sentinel objects that provide meaningful str and repr,
along with collection of predefined sentinels.
Distinct abstract base class for classes (incl. dataclasses) with distinct instances.
Collection of Enums and custom string types.

Various collection types
The collections module provides data structures that behave much like builtin list and
dict types, but with direct support of operations that can use structured data stored in
container, and which would normally require utilization of operator, functools or other
All containers provide next operations:

filter and filterfalse that return generator that yields items for which expr is
evaluated as True (or False).
find that returns first item for which expr is evaluated as True, or default.
contains that returns True if there is any item for which expr is evaluated as True.
occurrence that returns number of items for which expr is evaluated as True.
all and any that return True if expr is evaluated as True for all or any collection element(s).
report that returns generator that yields data produced by expression(s) evaluated on collection items.

Individual collection types provide additional operations like splitting and extracting
based on expression etc.
Expressions used by these methods could be strings that contain Python expression referencing
the collection item(s), or lambda functions.
Data conversion from/to string
While Python types typically support conversion to string via builtin str() function (and
custom __str__ methods), there is no symetric operation that converts string created by
str() back to typed value. Module strconv provides support for such symetric conversion
from/to string for any data type.
Symetric string conversion is used by firebird.base.config module, notably by
firebird.base.config.ListOption and firebird.base.config.DataclassOption. You can
extend the range of data types supported by these options by registering convertors for
required data types.
Configuration definitions
Complex applications (and some library modules like logging) could be often parametrized
via configuration. Module firebird.base.config provides a framework for unified structured
configuration that supports:

configuration options of various data type, including lists and other complex types
direct manipulation of configuration values
reading from (and writing into) configuration in configparser format
exchanging configuration (for example between processes) using Google protobuf messages

Additionally, the ApplicationDirectoryScheme abstract base class defines set of mostly
used application directories. The function get_directory_scheme() could be then used
to obtain instance that implements platform-specific standards for file-system location
for these directories. Currently, only "Windows", "Linux" and "MacOS" directory schemes
are supported.
Memory buffer manager
Module buffer provides a raw memory buffer manager with convenient methods to read/write
data of various data types.
Hook manager
Module hooks provides a general framework for callbacks and “hookable” events, that
supports multiple usage strategies.
Context-based logging
Module logging provides context-based logging system built on top of standard logging
The context-based logging:

Adds context information (defined as combination of topic, agent and context string values)
into logging.LogRecord, that could be used in logging message.
Adds support for f-string message format.
Allows assignment of loggers to specific contexts. The LoggingManager class maintains
a set of bindings between Logger objects and combination of agent, context and topic
specifications. It’s possible to bind loggers to exact combination of values, or whole
sets of values using ANY sentinel. It means that is possible to assign specific Logger
to log messages for particular agent in any context, or any agent operating in specific
context etc.

Trace/audit for class instances
Module trace provides trace/audit logging for functions or object methods through
context-based logging provided by logging module.
The trace logging is performed by traced decorator. You can use this decorator directly,
or use TracedMixin class to automatically decorate methods of class instances on creation.
Each decorated callable could log messages before execution, after successful execution or
on failed execution (when unhandled exception is raised by callable). The trace decorator
can automatically add agent and context information, and include parameters passed to
callable, execution time, return value, information about raised exception etc. to log messages.
The trace logging is managed by TraceManager, that allows dynamic configuration of traced
callables at runtime.
Trace supports configuration based on firebird.base.config.
Registry for Google Protocol Buffer messages and enums
Module protobuf provides central registry for Google Protocol Buffer messages and enums.
The generated * protobuf files could be registered using register_decriptor or
load_registered function. The registry could be then used to obtain information about
protobuf messages or enum types, or to create message instances or enum values.
Callback systems
Module firebird.base.signal provides two callback mechanisms: one based on signals and
slots similar to Qt signal/slot, and second based on optional method delegation similar to
events in Delphi.
In both cases, the callback callables could be functions, instance or class methods,
partials and lambda functions. The inspect module is used to define the signature for
callbacks, and to validate that only compatible callables are assigned.
The documentation for this package is available at


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