fireREST 1.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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fireREST 1.1.0

FireREST is a python library to interface with Cisco Firepower Management Center REST API. The goal of FireREST is to provide a simple SDK to programmatically interact with FMC.

Authentication and automatic session refresh / re-authentication
Rate-limit detection and automatic backoff and retry behavior
Automatic squashing of paginated api payloads
Sanitization of api payloads for create and update operations (automatically remove unsupported elements like links, metadata from payload)
Detailed logging of api requests and responses
API specific error handling using various custom exceptions for typical errors (e.g. ResourceAlreadyExists, UnprocessAbleEntityError, ...)
Support for resource lookup by name instead of uuid for all CRUD operations


Python >= 3.7

> pip install fireREST

Import api client
from fireREST import FMC

FireREST uses basic authentication. In case your authentication token times out, the api client will automatically refresh the session and retry
a failed operation. If all 3 refresh tokens have been used up the connection object will try to re-authenticate again automatically.
fmc = FMC(hostname='', username='firerest', password='Cisco123', domain='Global')

NOTE: By default domain is set to Global

CRUD Operations
Create network object
net_obj = {
'name': 'NetObjViaAPI',
'value': '',

response =

NOTE: in case a resource supports the bulk option FireREST will automatically perform a bulk operation if the data provided is of type list

Get all network objects
net_objects =

Get specific network object
net_objects ='NetObjViaAPI')

NOTE: You can access a resource either by name or uuid. If the resource supports a filtering by name FireREST will utilize the filter option, in case
a Resource does not support filter params it will iterate through all resources to find a match

Update network object
net_obj ='NetObjViaAPI')
net_obj['name'] = 'RenamedNetObjViaAPI'
response =

NOTE: FireREST automatically extracts the id field of the provided data dict to update the correct resource.

Delete network object
response ='NetObjViaAPI')

Supported operations
Since FireREST does not try to provide a python object model nearly all api calls up to version 6.7.0 are available which includes but is not limited to
the following CRUD operations:
├── assignment
│ └── policyassignment
├── audit
│ └── auditrecord
├── deployment
│ ├── deployabledevice
│ │ ├── deployment
│ │ └── pendingchanges
│ ├── deploymentrequest
│ ├── jobhistory
│ └── rollbackrequest
├── device
│ └── devicerecord
│ ├── bridgegroupinterface
│ ├── etherchannelinterface
│ ├── fpinterfacestatistics
│ ├── fplogicalinterface
│ ├── fpphysicalinterface
│ ├── inlineset
│ ├── interfaceevent
│ ├── operational
│ │ ├── command
│ │ └── metric
│ ├── physicalinterface
│ ├── redundantinterface
│ ├── routing
│ │ ├── bgp
│ │ ├── bgpgeneralsettings
│ │ ├── ipv4staticroute
│ │ ├── ipv6staticroute
│ │ ├── ospfinterface
│ │ ├── ospfv2route
│ │ ├── ospfv3interface
│ │ ├── staticroute
│ │ └── virtualrouter
│ ├── subinterface
│ ├── virtualswitch
│ ├── virtualtunnelinterface
│ └── vlaninterface
├── devicecluster
│ └── ftddevicecluster
├── devicegroup
│ └── devicegrouprecord
├── devicehapair
│ └── ftddevicehapair
│ ├── failoverinterfacemacaddressconfig
│ └── monitoredinterface
├── health
│ ├── alert
│ └── metric
├── integration
│ ├── cloudeventsconfig
│ ├── cloudregion
│ ├── externallookup
│ └── externalstorage
├── intelligence
│ ├── taxiiconfig
│ │ ├── collection
│ │ └── discoveryinfo
│ └── tid
│ ├── element
│ ├── incident
│ ├── indicator
│ ├── observable
│ ├── setting
│ └── source
├── job
│ └── taskstatus
├── object
│ ├── anyprotocolportobject
│ ├── application
│ ├── applicationcategory
│ ├── applicationfilter
│ ├── applicationproductivities
│ ├── applicationrisk
│ ├── applicationtag
│ ├── applicationtype
│ ├── aspathlist
│ ├── certenrollment
│ ├── communitylist
│ ├── continent
│ ├── country
│ ├── dnsservergroup
│ ├── endpointdevicetype
│ ├── expandedcommunitylist
│ ├── extendedaccesslist
│ ├── fqdn
│ │ └── override
│ ├── geolocation
│ ├── globaltimezone
│ ├── host
│ │ └── override
│ ├── icmpv4object
│ │ └── override
│ ├── icmpv6object
│ │ └── override
│ ├── ikev1ipsecproposal
│ ├── ikev1policy
│ ├── ikev2ipsecproposal
│ ├── ikev2policy
│ ├── interface
│ ├── interfacegroup
│ ├── ipv4prefixlist
│ ├── ipv6prefixlist
│ ├── isesecuritygrouptag
│ ├── keychain
│ │ └── override
│ ├── network
│ │ └── override
│ ├── networkaddress
│ ├── networkgroup
│ │ └── override
│ ├── policylist
│ ├── port
│ ├── portobjectgroup
│ │ └── override
│ ├── protocolportobject
│ │ └── override
│ ├── range
│ │ └── override
│ ├── realmuser
│ ├── realmusergroup
│ ├── routemap
│ ├── securitygrouptag
│ ├── securityzone
│ ├── siurlfeed
│ ├── siurllist
│ ├── slamonitor
│ ├── standardaccesslist
│ ├── standardcommunitylist
│ ├── timerange
│ ├── timezone
│ │ └── override
│ ├── tunneltag
│ ├── url
│ │ └── override
│ ├── urlcategory
│ ├── urlgroup
│ │ └── override
│ ├── variableset
│ ├── vlangrouptag
│ │ └── override
│ └── vlantag
│ └── override
├── policy
│ ├── accesspolicy
│ │ ├── accessrule
│ │ ├── category
│ │ ├── defaultaction
│ │ ├── inheritancesettings
│ │ ├── loggingsettings
│ │ └── operational
│ │ └── hitcounts
│ ├── filepolicy
│ ├── ftdnatpolicy
│ │ ├── autonatrule
│ │ ├── manualnatrule
│ │ └── natrule
│ ├── ftds2svpn
│ │ ├── advancedsettings
│ │ ├── endpoint
│ │ ├── ikesettings
│ │ └── ipsecsettings
│ ├── intrusionpolicy
│ │ └── intrusionrule
│ ├── prefilterpolicy
│ │ ├── defaultaction
│ │ ├── operational
│ │ │ └── hitcounts
│ │ └── prefilterrule
│ ├── snmpalert
│ └── syslogalert
├── system
│ └── info
│ ├── domain
│ └── serverversion
├── update
│ └── upgradepackage
│ └── applicabledevice
└── user
├── authrole
└── ssoconfig

You might see an UnprocessableEntityError exception when you try to execute CREATEor UPDATE operations. Depending on the API endpoint the error message from FMC might not contain enough information to pinpoint what is causing the issue. In this case I would recommend using pigtail on FMC to get more detailed information.
In this example we are trying to create an object override, but the field value is invalid. The subnet mask chosen is not correct, which will cause the FMC API to respond with an UnprocessAbleEntity error.
data = {
"overrides": {
"parent": {
"id": "00505699-76B7-0ed3-0000-077309525737"
"target": {
"id": "0ff8161e-096e-11eb-8ec0-cb721f246e60",
"type": "Device"
"value": "",
"name": "NetObjWithOverrides",
"id": "00505699-76B7-0ed3-0000-077309525737"

On FMC we can use the pigtail utility to tail the logfile on the Tomcat webserver hosting the REST API. Using this method we can monitor the APIs response and get some additional information on the error
> expert
admin@fmc:/Volume/home/admin# sudo su -
root@fmc:/Volume/home/admin# pigtail TCAT

Here we see that a Java exception has been thrown, indicating that the request failed due an invalid ip address being passed
TCAT: 02-02 15:36:33 INFO: - - 443 PUT /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/b76ff587-9224-65c7-d2af-000000000000/object/networks/00505699-76B7-0ed3-0000-077309525737 - 400 - 301 169 FireREST/1.0.0 -
TCAT: 02-02 15:34:33 [ajp-nio-] ERROR - **Invalid IP Address**
TCAT: 02-02 15:34:33 APIException:Invalid IP Address

Oliver Kaiser (
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
See LICENSE for the full text.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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