fixity 0.6.0

Creator: bradpython12

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fixity 0.6.0


Check fixity
Fixity errors

Information has been deleted from a file
A character in a file has been modified
A file has been removed from the package
A file has been added to the package
A manifest has been removed from the package
How this looks in the Storage Service


Fixity is a command line tool that assists in checking fixity for AIPs stored
in the Archivematica Storage Service.
"Fixity" in digital preservation terms is defined as "the assurance that a
digital file has remained unchanged, i.e. fixed."
(Bailey, 2014)
and more information about that, and the concept of checksums, can be found in
the Digital Preservation Coalition's (DPC)
Digital Preservation Handbook.
Fixity is a client application that calls the Storage Service's
Check Fixity
API endpoint for a single AIP or for each AIP in the Storage Service.
Check fixity
The Storage Service's Check Fixity endpoint can be used to trigger a fixity
check on an individual package. When the Fixity client calls this endpoint, the
checking is done in the Storage Service itself.
Fixity aggregates results and makes it easy to do this across all packages.
To trigger fixity checking for a package, we need to know the AIP UUID and the
Storage Service authorization parameters.
The URL is constructed as follows:<AIP UUID>/check_fixity/
And we can supply authentication information in a HTTP request using a command
line tool such as HTTPie:
http -v --pretty=format \
GET "" \
Authorization:"ApiKey test:test"

This results in the following JSON output showing us that the Fixity check was
a 'success', that is, there were no errors:
"failures": {
"files": {
"changed": [],
"missing": [],
"untracked": []
"message": "",
"success": true,
"timestamp": null

This detailed JSON output is recorded in Fixity's internal database. Summary
information about errors is printed to the console. The output for package
5e21dd0d-190e-4ffb-b752-76d860bea898 would simply look as follows:
Fixity scan succeeded for AIP: 5e21dd0d-190e-4ffb-b752-76d860bea898
The Check Fixity endpoint updates the Storage Service fixitylog model with
details of the last check completed.
Storage Service users can see the last Fixity Date and Fixity Status in the
Storage Service Packages panel by going to {storage-service-url}/packages/
Administrators of the Storage Service can query the Storage Service database as
package_id as "AIP UUID",
datetime_reported as "Fixity Last Checked",
from locations_fixitylog
where package_id = '5e21dd0d-190e-4ffb-b752-76d860bea898'
order by datetime_reported desc
limit 1;

And we can see the details of the check in the SQL output:
| AIP UUID | Fixity Last Checked | success | error_details |
| 5e21dd0d-190e-4ffb-b752-76d860bea898 | 2018-11-06 11:20:43.634188 | 1 | NULL |

Fixity errors
The Storage Service can detect multiple categories of error. Some are shown as
outputs of Fixity below with the corresponding detailed information that can
be accessed from Fixity's database:
Information has been deleted from a file
Fixity scan failed for AIP: 5e21dd0d-190e-4ffb-b752-76d860bea898 (Oxum error.
Found 10 files and 126404 bytes on disk; expected 10 files and 126405 bytes.)

"failures": {
"files": {
"changed": [],
"missing": [],
"untracked": []
"finished": 1541505247,
"message": "Oxum error. Found 10 files and 126404 bytes on disk; expected 10 files and 126405 bytes.",
"started": 1541505247,
"success": false,
"timestamp": null

A character in a file has been modified
Fixity scan failed for AIP: 5e21dd0d-190e-4ffb-b752-76d860bea898 (invalid bag)

"failures": {
"files": {
"changed": [
"actual": "6ea7859a4edb8406aae0dfdf5abda9db97eeb8b416922b7356082ab55c9e4161",
"expected": "9fd57a8c09e0443de485cf51b68ad8ef54486454434daed499d2f686b7efc2b4",
"hash_type": "sha256",
"message": "data/objects/one_file/one_file.txt checksum validation failed (alg=sha256 expected=9fd57a8c09e0443de485cf51b68ad8ef54486454434daed499d2f686b7efc2b4 found=6ea7859a4edb8406aae0dfdf5abda9db97eeb8b416922b7356082ab55c9e4161)",
"path": "data/objects/one_file/one_file.txt"
"missing": [],
"untracked": []
"finished": 1541505387,
"message": "invalid bag",
"started": 1541505386,
"success": false,
"timestamp": null

A file has been removed from the package
Fixity scan failed for AIP: 5e21dd0d-190e-4ffb-b752-76d860bea898 (Oxum error.
Found 9 files and 126386 bytes on disk; expected 10 files and 126405 bytes.)

"failures": {
"files": {
"changed": [],
"missing": [],
"untracked": []
"finished": 1541505645,
"message": "Oxum error. Found 9 files and 126386 bytes on disk; expected 10 files and 126405 bytes.",
"started": 1541505645,
"success": false,
"timestamp": null

A file has been added to the package
Fixity scan failed for AIP: 5e21dd0d-190e-4ffb-b752-76d860bea898 (Oxum error.
Found 11 files and 126405 bytes on disk; expected 10 files and 126405 bytes.)

"failures": {
"files": {
"changed": [],
"missing": [],
"untracked": []
"finished": 1541505549,
"message": "Oxum error. Found 11 files and 126405 bytes on disk; expected 10 files and 126405 bytes.",
"started": 1541505549,
"success": false,
"timestamp": null

A manifest has been removed from the package
Fixity scan failed for AIP: 5e21dd0d-190e-4ffb-b752-76d860bea898 (Missing
manifest file)

"failures": {
"files": {
"changed": [],
"missing": [],
"untracked": []
"finished": 1541505815,
"message": "Missing manifest file",
"started": 1541505815,
"success": false,
"timestamp": null

How this looks in the Storage Service
For any error in the Fixity check the Storage Service database maintains a
summary log, see for example when data in a file has been modified:
| AIP UUID | Fixity Last Checked | success | error_details |
| 5e21dd0d-190e-4ffb-b752-76d860bea898 | 2018-11-06 12:10:22.981609 | 0 | invalid bag |

Installation of Fixity can be completed with the following steps:

Checkout or link the code to /usr/lib/archivematica/fixity

Go to /usr/lib/archivematica/
user@root:~$ cd /usr/lib/archivematica/

Clone the code:
user@root:/usr/lib/archivematica/$ git clone

Once this is complete, the directory /usr/lib/archivematica/fixity
should exist. cd back to the home directory
user@root:/usr/lib/archivematica/$ cd

Create a virtualenv in /usr/share/python/fixity, and install fixity and
dependencies in it

Switch to root
user@root:~$ sudo -i

root@host:~# virtualenv /usr/share/python/fixity
root@host:~# source /usr/share/python/fixity/bin/activate
(fixity)root@host:~# cd /usr/lib/archivematica/fixity
(fixity)root@host:/usr/lib/archivematica/fixity# pip install -r requirements.txt
(fixity)root@host:/usr/lib/archivematica/fixity# python install

Create a symlink from the executable to /usr/local/bin. You must still be
(fixity)root@host:/usr/lib/archivematica/fixity# ln -s /usr/share/python/fixity/bin/fixity /usr/local/bin/fixity

Export required environment variables. For ease of use later, creating
/etc/profile.d/ is recommended:

To create the file:
(fixity)root@host:/usr/lib/archivematica/fixity# touch /etc/profile.d/
(fixity)root@host:/usr/lib/archivematica/fixity# nano /etc/profile.d/

You are now editing the environment variables file. You should use the
URL of your Storage Service, and the username and API key of one Storage
Service user. Replace the URL, user and key with your data.
export STORAGE_SERVICE_URL=http://localhost:8000
export STORAGE_SERVICE_KEY=myapikey

Optionally, if you are using Fixity with a reporting service, you can
also add:
export REPORT_URL=
export REPORT_USERNAME=myuser
export REPORT_PASSWORD=mypassword

Load the variables from the file.
(fixity)root@host:/usr/lib/archivematica/fixity# source /etc/profile.d/

Run the tool with sudo or as root the first time. Subsequent runs can be
with any user.
(fixity)root@host:/usr/lib/archivematica/fixity# fixity scanall

To exit the virtualenv:
(fixity)root@host:/usr/lib/archivematica/fixity# deactivate

And to exit the root user:
root@host:/usr/lib/archivematica/fixity# exit

After the initial install, to run fixity you only need to load the variables
you defined earlier and run fixity.
user@host:~$ source /etc/profile.d/
user@host:~$ fixity scanall

For more information on usage, consult the manpage.
If you have a security concern about Archivematica or any of its companion
repositories, please see the
Archivematica security policy
for information on how to safely report a vulnerability.
Fixity is copyright 2014-2018 Artefactual Systems Inc.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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