Flask-Apidoc-Extend 0.1.8

Creator: bradpython12

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FlaskApidocExtend 0.1.8

Flask ApiDoc Extend
Flask ApiDoc Extend is a Flask extension which adds support for the ApiDoc.

Host apidoc's files, by default they are hosted in http://localhost:5000/apidoc
Export apidoc's files to Markdown. apidoc.md will be generated into output folder.Bydefault it's under /static/docs.

You need to install apidoc first.
$ npm install apidoc -g
Then you can install flask-apidoc via Python Package Index (PyPI)
$ pip install flask-apidoc-extend

Creates a apidoc.json file under your project.

like this:
"name": "Flask REST API Doc",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A Flask REST API Doc example",
"title": "A Flask REST API Doc example",
"url" : "http://localhost:5000"


Initalizes Apidoc and pass your flask app to it.

ApiDoc param.
:param Input_path: source dirname. Location of your project files.
:param output_path: Output dirname. Location where to put to generated documentation.default is 'static/docs'
:param template_path:Use template for output files. You can create and use your own template.
:param app: your flask instence
:param mount: register blueprint of the apidoc files to your flask application.then you can access
:param url_path: The url path for the apidoc files.default is 'apidoc'
:param private Include private APIs in output.

from flask_apidoc_extend import ApiDoc

app = Flask(__name__)

Add some apidoc comments anywhere in your source code:

@api {get} /user/:id Request User information
@apiName GetUser
@apiGroup User

@apiParam {Number} id User's unique ID.

@apiSuccess {String} firstname Firstname of the User.
@apiSuccess {String} lastname Lastname of the User.

generate apidoc files

$ cd yourproject/
$ flask apidoc
$ flask run
Now you can access your apidoc files by

Export to Markdown (version>=0.1.6)

This command will export apidoc files to markdown(apidoc.md).
$flask apidoc --export
Bydefault,you can find markdown file under /static/docs.
note : your apidoc.json file must be set under yourproject/ and you should run command at the same path.


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