flasksaml2idp 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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flasksaml2idp 0.1.0


flaskosaml2idp implements the Identity Provider side of the SAML2 protocol for Flask.
It is based upon a similar project for django: djangosaml2idp <https://github.com/OTA-Insight/djangosaml2idp>.
It builds on top of PySAML2.
This package is currently in development and should NOT be used in a production environment.
Any contributions, feature requests, proposals, ideas … are welcome! See the CONTRIBUTING document for some info.

PySAML2 uses XML Security Library binary to sign SAML assertions, so you need to install
it either through your operating system package or by compiling the source code. It doesn’t matter where the final executable is installed because
you will need to set the full path to it in the configuration stage. XmlSec is available (at least) for Debian, OSX and Alpine Linux.
Now you can install the flasksaml2idp package using pip. This will also install PySAML2 and its dependencies automatically:
pip install flasksaml2idp

Configuration & Usage

Further optional configuration options
In the SAML_IDP_SPCONFIG setting you can define a processor, its value being a string with dotted path to a class.
This is a hook to customize some access control checks. By default, the included BaseProcessor is used, which allows every user to login on the IdP.
You can customize this behaviour by subclassing the BaseProcessor and overriding its has_access(self, request) method. This method should return true or false, depending if the user has permission to log in for the SP / IdP.
The processor has the SP entity ID available as self._entity_id, and received the request (with an authenticated request.user on it) as parameter to the has_access function.
This way, you should have the necessary flexibility to perform whatever checks you need.
An example processor subclass can be found in the IdP of the included example.
Without custom setting, users will be identified by the USERNAME_FIELD property on the user Model you use. By Django defaults this will be the username.
You can customize which field is used for the identifier by adding SAML_IDP_DJANGO_USERNAME_FIELD to your settings with as value the attribute to use on your user instance.

Customizing error handling
djangosaml2idp renders a very basic error page if it encounters an error, indicating an error occured, which error, and possibly an extra message.
The HTTP status code is also set if possible depending on which error occured.
You can customize this by using the SAML_IDP_ERROR_VIEW_CLASS setting. Set this to a dotted import path to your custom (class based) view in order to use that one.
If you subclass the provided djangosaml2idp.error_views.SamlIDPErrorView, you have the following variables available for use in the template:

the class of the exception that occurred

the message from the exception (by doing str(exception))

if no specific exception given, a message indicating something went wrong, or an additional message next to the exception_msg

The simplest override is to subclass the SamlIDPErrorView and only using your own error template.
You can use any Class-Based-View for this; it’s not necessary to subclass the builtin error view.
The example project contains a ready to use example of this; uncomment the SAML_IDP_ERROR_VIEW_CLASS setting and it will use a custom view with custom template.

Multi Factor Authentication support
There are three main components to adding multiple factor support.

Subclass flasksaml2idp.processors.BaseProcessor as outlined above. You will need to override the enable_multifactor() method to check whether or not multifactor should be enabled for a user. (If it should allways be enabled for all users simply hard code to True). By default it unconditionally returns False and no multifactor is enforced.
Sublass the flasksaml2idp.views.ProcessMultiFactorView view to make the appropriate calls for your environment. Implement your custom verification logic in the multifactor_is_valid method: this could call a helper script, an internal SMS triggering service, a data source only the IdP can access or an external second factor provider (e.g. Symantec VIP). By default this view will log that it was called then redirect.
Update your urls.py and add an override for name=’saml_multi_factor’ - ensure it comes before importing the flasksaml2idp urls file so your custom view is used instead of the built-in one.

Running the test suite
Install the dev dependencies in requirements-dev.txt:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Run py.test from the project root:

Example project
The directory example_project contains a barebone demo setup to demonstrate the login-logout functionality.
It consists of a Service Provider implemented with djangosaml2 and an Identity Provider using djangosaml2idp.
The readme in that folder contains more information on how to run it.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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