flower-crane 0.4.3

Creator: bradpython12

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flowercrane 0.4.3

Flower Crane
Flower Crane provides some utility functions for working with NumPy arrays.

viterbi_decode - find the most likely path along a sequence of observations.
apply_time_limit - apply a time limit to decide on base or excited state
bearing_change_rate - calculate the change rate of the bearing
arg_max_positive_diff - find two indices a, b with b > a which maximize arr[b] - arr[a]
find_meeting - find indices in which four dimensional lines are close to each other
filter - find and replace outliers in array by comparing with running avg

First, create a new virtual env and activate it
python -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate

You can install the module locally with
maturin develop

Make sure to update the python type stub in flower_crane.pyi if you change the signature of a function.
After you have placed your PyPi API-Token in your .pypirc file, you can publish your module with
maturin publish -r test

maturin publish -r pypi

python -m pytest
cargo test

To compare the performances of the different implementations, run
maturin build --release
pip install .
python -m py_flower_crane.benchratio


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