
Creator: bradpython12

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FlyingCircus - Everything you always wanted to have in Python.*
(*But were afraid to write)
_____ _ _ ____ _
| ___| |_ _(_)_ __ __ _ / ___(_)_ __ ___ _ _ ___
| |_ | | | | | | '_ \ / _` | | | | '__/ __| | | / __|
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|_| |_|\__, |_|_| |_|\__, |\____|_|_| \___|\__,_|___/
|___/ |___/

This software provides a library of miscellaneous utilities / recipes for
generic computations with Python.
It is relatively easy to extend and users are encouraged to tweak with it.
Most of the code is used in a number of projects where it is tested
against real-life scenarios.
All the code is tested against the examples in the documentation
(using doctest).
The code has reached a reasonable level of maturity.
However, until it gets a wider adoption, some of the library components may
undergo some refactoring in the process of improving the code.
Changes will appear in the CHANGELOG.rst.
Please file a bug report if you detect an undocumented refactoring.
Releases information are available through NEWS.rst.
For a more comprehensive list of changes see CHANGELOG.rst (automatically
generated from the version control system).

The package contains a number of generic functions like

multi_replace(): performs multiple replacements in a string.
flatten(): recursively flattens nested iterables, e.g.
list of list of tuples to flat list).
uniques(): extract unique items from an iterable while
keeping the order of appearance.

These are meant to run both in Python 3 and in PyPy.
For this reason, dependencies to external modules are kept to a minimum.

The recommended way of installing the software is through
$ pip install flyingcircus
Alternatively, you can clone the source repository from
$ git clone
$ cd flyingcircus
$ pip install -e .
For more details see also INSTALL.rst.

This work is licensed through the terms and conditions of the
GPLv3+ See the
accompanying LICENSE.rst for more details.

For a complete list of authors please see AUTHORS.rst.
People who have influenced this work are acknowledged in THANKS.rst.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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