fmmap 2.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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fmmap 2.0.0

This module is a reimplementation of Python’s builtin module mmap. It aims to
provide better performance while being API compatible with the builtin module.
Development tracks new Python versions, therefore this module is mostly usable
as a backport to older Python versions – consult the documentation about any
changes to the mmap API in Python. You should be able to shadow the builtin
module and forget about it.
Install on the command line:
pip install --upgrade fmmap
Import in Python under the name mmap:
import fmmap as mmap
Memory mapping is a technique of providing access to a file by mapping it into
the virtual address space of the process and letting the operating system
handle the input and output instead of explicitly reading from or writing to
the file. It can provide better performance over normal file access in some
cases. The builtin mmap module in Python exposes this functionality, but some
of the implementation is not as fast as possible.
Summary of the project status:
The find() and rfind() functions in fmmap should be faster than the
version in the standard library. These two functions also release the global
interpreter lock (GIL) while searching, which might provide some benefit if
you have multi-threaded code.
A number of features, bug fixes and API changes introduced in the standard
library between Python 3.5 - Python 3.9 are supported in fmmap when running on
older versions, notably:

The API of flush() works like Python > 3.7.
madvise() is implemented and most of the MADV_... constants are exposed.

Requirements and Assumptions
The following requirements are supported and tested:

Python versions: 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8.
Interpreters: CPython.
Operating systems:

BSD systems (FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD)
SunOS/Solaris (illumos/OpenIndiana)

The following operating systems receive limited testing, but should work:


To implement the searching functionality, fmmap makes use of functions in the C
library. The performance characteristics therefore are platform and version
dependent. Recent versions of glibc is known to be very good. Some
characteristics of your data can also influence performance. The performance of
fmmap should be better than the built-in mmap module in most cases.
For non-Windows platforms fmmap currently assumes that your platform has an
madvise(2) implementation and the header file <sys/mman.h>.

Credits and Resources
The code and tests in this project are based on the standard library’s mmap
module. Additional tests from the pypy project are also duplicated here which
helped to identify a few bugs. Most functionality is just inherited from the
current runtime. The rest is implemented in optimized Cython code.
Further reading on Wikipedia:

The mmap(2) system call
Memory-mapped file


Clone this repository (git clone ...)
Create a virtualenv
Install package dependencies: pip install --upgrade pytest tox
Install package in development mode: pip install -e .
Change some code
Generate the compiled module: cythonize src/fmmap.pyx
Run the tests: in the project root simply execute pytest, and afterwards
preferably tox to test the full test matrix. Consider installing as many
supported interpreters as possible (having them in your PATH is often
Submit a pull request and check for any errors reported by the Continuous
Integration service.

The MPL 2.0 License
Copyright (c) 2020 Friedel Wolff.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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