freenom-dns-updater 1.2.9

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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freenomdnsupdater 1.2.9

Freenom dns updater

A tool written in python to update freenom's dns records
Main Features

Manage (add/update/remove) a domain's dns record with cli
Automatic records updates according to ip (v4/v6) changes
Auto renew domains

Upcoming features

Password encryption

pip install freenom-dns-updater

Basic usage
Let's say you want to add or update your main A/AAAA domain records with your current ip (v4/v6).
Simply type :
fdu record update $LOGIN $PASSWORD

Note that if you don't have a ipv6 access, the tool will detect that and will update only the A record (ipv4) of
In order to add or update the subdomain
fdu record update $LOGIN $PASSWORD -n sub

Advanced usage
If you want to update multiple (sub)domains you could call the tool for each domains.
Even better, you can create a configuration file.
A configuration is a YAML file, which look like :
login: yourlogin@somemail.domain
password: yourpassword

# list here the records you want to add/update
# the following will update both the A and AAAA records with your current ips (v4 and v6).
# Note that if you don't have a ipv6 connection, the program'll detect it and will only update the A record (ipv4)
- domain:

# the following will update both your subdomain's A and AAAA records with your current ips (v4 and v6)
- domain:
name: mysubdomain

# here's more advanced exemples

# the following will update the AAAA record with a specified ipv6
- domain:
name: # you can omit this line
type: AAAA
target: "fd2b:1c1b:3641:1cd8::" # note that you have to quote ipv6 addresses
ttl: 24440

# the following will update your subdomain's A record with your current ip (v4)
- domain:
name: mysubdomain
type: A
target: auto # you can omit this line

# you can omit the record type and give only ipv4 or ipv6 addresses.
- domain:
name: ipv6sub
target: "fd2b:1c1b:3641:1cd8::"

- domain:
name: ipv4sub
target: ""

In order to use such configuration, you can use the following command :
fdu update /path/to/config

Where /path/to/config can be either:

A path to a file (default location is /etc/freenom.yml)
A http url (a raw secret gist for instance)

In order to launch regularly an update, you can launch the tool with :
fdu process -c -i -r -t 3600 /path/to/config

Where the params are :


cache the ip and update only if there is any changes

ignore errors when updating

renew the domains

time (in second) to wait between two updates

a path or a url to a configuration file

Using systemd
For ease of use a systemd unit file is available along the source code.

Save your configuration into /etc/freenom.yml
Copy the systemd/system/freenom-dns-updater.service into a valid systemd unit folder (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ for instance).
finally enable the service using

systemctl enable freenom-dns-updater
systemctl start freenom-dns-updater

Using other Os / services manager
There's two straightforward choices :

Launch the previous fdu process command
Schedule the fdu update command using cron, windows' scheduled task, ...

Known issues

The website is not really stable (503/504 errors very often) => there's 3 retry on every request made by the tool but even with this it's common to face a remote server error

Docker image

If you want to run this tool in an "isolated" environment there's a docker image available at
Note that if you want to use the ipv6 functionality, you have to enable the docker ipv6 stack

Update dns records using a gist config file :

docker run -it --rm maxisoft/freenom-dns-updater fdu update

Run the tool in a background docker with a local config file :

docker run -d --rm -v /path/to/config:/etc/freenom.yml maxisoft/freenom-dns-updater


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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