fritzing-stripboard 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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fritzingstripboard 1.0.0

Fritzing Stripboard Generator
Generates Fritzing components matching your particular stripboard.

Inspired by Robert P Heller's project having a similar aim:
pip install fritzing-stripboard

You can also install the in-development version with:

pip install

fritzing-stripboard /path/to/board.yaml /path/to/output/part.fzpz

Defining Your Board
While digging through my project supplies, I happened across a
large collection of stripboards that look like this:

Although there are stripboards available online for Fritzing,
none quite looked like this. Luckily, though, generating a
Fritzing part for this board can be done easily with just a little
bit of yaml:
title: 3-5-5-2 Board with Solid Bus
label: 3-5-5-2
width: 50.5
height: 100.5
- grid:
- shared_bus:
- bus: A1:T1
- bus: E1:E36
- bus: Q1:Q36
- shared_bus:
- bus: A37:T37
- bus: T2:T37
- bus: A2:A37
- bus: K2:K37
- drilled_rows: B2:D36
- drilled_rows: F2:J36
- drilled_rows: L2:P36
- drilled_rows: R2:S36

The above will generate a board that looks like:

The Grid
Definitions for boards use excel-like grid square ranges for defining
where new bus (trace) or drilled hole elements should appear:

bus or drilled
These create a line or a line of drilled holes. For example,
bus is used for creating this:

Each bus or drilled range will be assigned its own "bus"
(a.k.a. "net") unless wrapped by shared_bus as you've seen in the
example above.
drilled_rows or drilled_columns
These create an array of rows or columns. For example,
drilled_rows is used for creating this:

Each row or column of the range will be assigned its own "bus"
(a.k.a. "net") unless wrapped by shared_bus.
bus and drilled ranges by default each get their own bus. If your
stripboard has a more complex layout (like in the example), you can
use this 'component' for causing all components below it to share
the same bus.
See BoardMetadata for a full list of properties.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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