fruitbat 2.0.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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fruitbat 2.0.1

FRUITBAT is an open source python package used to estimate the redshift of
Fast Radio Bursts (FRB) from their dispersion measure. FRUITBAT combines
various dispersion measure (DM) and redshift relations with the YMW16 galactic
dispersion measure model into a single easy to use API.

The documentation for FRUITBAT can be found at

You can install the latest release of FRUITBAT from PyPi by running
the following:
pip install fruitbat
You can install the latest development version of FRUITBAT by cloning
this repository:
git clone
cd fruitbat
pip install .
If you are installing the latest development version of FRUITBAT then you
will also need to install git-lfs. Instructions for installing git-lfs for
your operating system can be found here.

Linux Users
If you are installing FRUITBAT on a linux machine you may see this ‘error’:
ERROR: Failed building wheel for pyymw16. This does not mean the installation
failed. The C++ bindings were compiled using MacOS and needed to be recompiled
for your machine. The installation process does this for you. You should still
be able to run FRUITBAT normally.

Below are the listed requirements for running FRUITBAT and the purpose for
each requirement.

numpy: Array manipulation
scipy: Modules for integration and interpolation
astropy: Modules for cosmology, coordinates, constants and units
matplotlib: Modules for plotting
pandas: Reading csv files from FRBCAT
pyymw16: Python wrapper for YMW16 galactic dispersion measure model.
e13tools: Utility tools for writing docstrings.

If you want to get started using FRUITBAT there is a Getting Started
section of the documentation made just for you! Otherwise the tl;dr is the
Most of the calculations will be centred around the Frb class. You can
can define an instance of the Frb class with a dispersion measure.
To calculate the redshift of the FRB use the method
>>> import fruitbat
>>> FRB121102 = fruitbat.Frb(557, dm_excess=369)
>>> FRB121102.calc_redshift()
<Quantity 0.37581945>
The calc_redshift function can also be passed a method and/or a cosmology.
The method will specify which DM-redshift relation to assume and the cosmology
will specify which cosmology to assume.
>>> FRB121102.calc_redshift(method="Zhang2018", cosmology="Planck18")
<Quantity 0.42166019>
It is also possible to specify the coordinates of the burst and use the
calc_dm_galaxy function to calculate the DM contribution from the Milky Way
using the YMW16 or NE2001 galactic electron distribution model. Performing
calc_dm_galaxy will automatically calculate the excess dispersion measure
for the redshift calculation.
>>> FRB190222 = fruitbat.Frb(500, raj="12:34:43.5", decj="2:34:15.2")
>>> FRB190222.calc_dm_galaxy()
<Quantity 22.43696785 pc / cm3>
>>> FRB190222.calc_redshift()
<Quantity 0.4808557>

Issues and Contributing
If there is a feature of FRUITBAT that currently does not exist, but you
would like it to, you can contribute by openning a Github Issue and
outlining the feature. Similar to contributing, if you find a problem with
FRUITBAT or are having difficulties using FRUITBAT please do not
hesitate to open a Github Issue.

Referencing Fruitbat
If you use FRUITBAT in your research, we would like it if you could add an
acknowledgement statement “Some of the results of this paper have been derived
using the FRUITBAT package” and reference our paper.
author = {{Batten}, Adam},
title = "{Fruitbat: A Python Package for Estimating Redshifts of Fast Radio Bursts}",
journal = {The Journal of Open Source Software},
keywords = {Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics, Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena},
year = "2019",
month = "May",
volume = {4},
number = {37},
pages = {1399},
doi = {10.21105/joss.01399},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1905.04294},
primaryClass = {astro-ph.IM},
adsurl = {},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}


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