fsactl 0.1.3

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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fsactl 0.1.3

MS FlightSimulator 2020 Addon Control
fsactl is a program to download, install, update, build and manage your FlightSimulator addons.
This program is currently under development.
fsactl is written in Python. The installation is straight forward. Just run pip install fsactl. fsactl will be installd from the Python Package Index (PyPi).
You will find more information in the documentation.
Configuration File
Create a directory named fsactl in your My Documents directory and create a file called config.yaml in it
with a configuration like the following:

# This is a comment

addon_dir: E:/MSFS-ADDONS # A directory where your addons can be stored and managed
community_dir: E:/MSFS/Community # Your community folder
- github: pimarc/pms50-gns530 # A prebuild addon from github
- github: lmk02/B787-XE # A nother one
- github: saltysimulations/salty-747 # This addon needs a build step
- path: "{{ addon_path }}" # build directory
command: python build.py # build command
- github: r9r-dev/fs2020-vl3-rotax915 # This addon must be build in two steps
- path: "{{ addon_path }}" # first build directory
command: update-layout.bat # first build command
- path: "{{ addon_path }}/community-vl3rotax915" # second build directory
command: "python {{ addon_path }}/build.py" # second build command
- github: Working-Title-MSFS-Mods/fspackages
install: # Don't use autodiscovery. Install one or more directories of a single source
- "{{ addon_path }}/build/workingtitle-g3000" # install the g3000 update
- "{{ addon_path }}/build/workingtitle-g1000" # install the g1000 update
- "{{ addon_path }}/build/workingtitle-aircraft-cj4" # install the cj4 update
- path: "{{ addon_path }}"
command: powershell.exe "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; .\build.ps1 workingtitle-project-g3000.xml"
- path: "{{ addon_path }}"
command: powershell.exe "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; .\build.ps1 workingtitle-project-g1000.xml"
- path: "{{ addon_path }}"
command: powershell.exe "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; .\build.ps1 workingtitle-project-cj4.xml"

Be sure to use slashs / instead of backslashs in paths.
You will get a more detailed Documentation to this in the near future.
$ fsactl
usage: fsactl [-h] [--version] [-d] {update,download,make,install} ...

positional arguments:
download Download new addons
update Update and build addons
make Force to rebuild the addons
install Install addons

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-d, --debug Enables debugging mode.

Semantic Versioning
This repository uses SemVer for its release
Branching Model
This repository uses the
branching model by Vincent Driessen.
It has two branches with infinite lifetime:


The master branch gets updated on every release. The develop branch is the
merging branch.
Copyright © 2020 Michael Sasser Info@MichaelSasser.org. Released under
the GPLv3 license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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