fsubot 0.4.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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fsubot 0.4.1

A bot which serves as the foundation for other bots for use on the
Florida State University website. It is useful for automating tasks that
are otherwise very menial and tedious.
This project serves as a framework for creating bots which are designed
for Florida State University websites. It handles logging into MyFSU
automatically, and setting up ubiquitous attributes and functionality
such as:

Standard argument parsing
Logging into MyFSU
Web browser driver handling.

Where to Begin

Package Installation
Install the FSUBot package using pip.
$ pip install fsubot
If you receive a error 13 and/or a permission error, prefer:
$ pip install fsubot --user
rather than:
sudo pip install fsubot

Driver Installation
Download and install any driver from the following (I prefer

Chrome: chromedriver
Firefox: geckodriver

There has not been extensive testing using geckodriver,
proceed with caution.

Ensure that the driver executable is located within your environment’s
PATH variable. There are many readily available guides on Google for
how to do this.

Bot Instantiation
If you instantiate your bot with the following:
fsu_dr = FSUBot(use_cli=True)
Then, you can pass in arguments like so:
$ python fsubot/bot.py --fsu-id abc13 --fsu-pw hunter2 --browser chrome --executable-path drivers/chromedriver


Vindicta, my personal bot which automatically enrolls for desired
EasyGradeBot, my personal bot which traverses through a list of
BlackBoard Smart View pages and downloads all submitted assignment’s
most recently submitted attempts.

Page Navigation Information
After instantiating your bot, named bot, there are a few methods you
can use for traversing the DOM and navigating to different pages.

Method 1
Use bot.dr, the accessible selenium.webdriver instance, and the
well-documented Selenium API.

Method 2
"pages": [
"title": "",
"iframe": false,
"xpath": "",
"css_selector": ""

"title": "",
"iframe": false,
"xpath": "",
"css_selector": ""

"title": "",
"iframe": false,
"xpath": "",
"css_selector": ""

"title": "",
"iframe": false,
"xpath": "",
"css_selector": ""

"title": "",
"iframe": false,
"xpath": "",
"css_selector": ""

"title": "",
"iframe": false,
"xpath": "",
"css_selector": ""
The elements will be sequentially passed to bot._click and clicked
as if a real user was clicking them.

title is used for logging purposes, to indicate when clicking an
element has succeeded.
iframe is used to specify if the following css_selector or
xpath will resolve to an iframe, which should thusly be focused
on (review Selenium’s API for focusing on an iframe).
xpath is used to specify the xpath for resolving an element to be
css_selector is used to specify the CSS selector for resolving an
element to be clicked.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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