fuel-pdsh 1.0.0.dev21

Creator: railscoder56

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fuelpdsh 1.0.0.dev21

fuel-pdsh is a small utility which allows you to execute one command on
the multiple OpenStack nodes from master node (aka Fuel node) remotely
using SSH.
Basically it is just a pure Python replacement for PDSH which uses Nailgun API to discover
nodes. Also it supports pdcp utility for copying files to multiple
hosts in parallel.
fuel-pdsh package contains 2 commandline utilities, fuel-pdsh
for executing SSH command on the group of hosts and fuel-pdcp for
file copying.

Before install fuel-pdsh on master node, do the following:
$ yum install python-devel python-pip gcc
If you want system installation, do:
$ pip install fuel-pdsh
If you want to use virtualenv:
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p python2.6 --system-site-packages ~/.fuelpdsh-venv
$ source ~/.fuelpdsh-venv/bin/activate
$ pip install fuel-pdsh

Commandline options
The both of fuel-pdsh and fuel-pdcp have the same options set but
different arguments.
usage: fuel-pdsh [-h] [--concurrency CONCURRENCY] [-c CLUSTER_ID]
[-w NODE_IDS] [-i IPS] [-n NAME] [-s STATUS] [-g GROUP_ID]
[-r ROLES] [-v | -d]
command [command ...]

positional arguments:
command Command to execute

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--concurrency CONCURRENCY
How many simultaneous connections should be
established. By default (4), we are trying to connect
to all nodes, no limits.
-c CLUSTER_ID, --cluster-id CLUSTER_ID
Select only nodes which belong to cluster with such
-w NODE_IDS, --node-ids NODE_IDS
Plain comma-separated list of nodes.
-i IPS, --ips IPS Plain comma-separated list of node IPs.
-n NAME, --name NAME Regular expression for the node name.
-s STATUS, --status STATUS
Node status.
-g GROUP_ID, --group-id GROUP_ID
Group ID.
-r ROLES, --roles ROLES
Node roles.
-v, --verbose Be verbose.
-d, --debug Be event more verbose, for debugging.

Please contact Sergey Arkhipov <serge@aerialsounds.org> for issues.

This flag defines how may hosts would be accessed in parallel. If you
have 40 nodes but --concurrency is set to 4, only 4 hosts will be
managed in parallel. Set 0 if you want to connect all hosts in
In reality, please do not set this setting to high. fuel-pdsh
uses Paramiko for host access and it
has well-known issues on slowing down with multiple simultaneous
connections. You may have serious performance decrease if you connect to
all hosts instead of some limit.

This flag makes utilities more verbose. By default, if you execute
fuel-pdsh, you will see such output:
$ fuel-pdsh -n contr -- echo hello world
node-4 : hello world
node-39: hello world
node-3 : hello world
If you enable -v, you will get something like this:
$ fuel-pdsh -n contr -v -- echo hello world
*** 140489797273344 >>> Found 3 suitable nodes
*** 140489797273344 >>> Execute with 4 threads
node-4 : hello world
node-39: hello world
node-3 : hello world
So, more verbose, to understand what is going.

Enables maximal verbosity. Basically, if you are not me, you do not need
this level of verbosity. But I need when I debug.
So, if you met with some problems and want to issue a bug, execute
utilities with -d and send me an output.

-c, --cluster-id
Defines optional cluster ID for additional node filtering. If no cluster ID
is set, utilities will work over all accessible clusters.
$ fuel-pdsh -c 1 -- ls
This will do ls on all nodes in cluster with ID 1.

-w, --node-ids
The most simple selector, just select all nodes by given IDs. So if you
want t``-c``, o run a command on nodes with IDs 2, 4 and 8,
just pass them as a comma-separated list.
$ fuel-pdsh -w 2,4,8 -- ls
Also, you may prefix them with node- prefix (as you SSH to them).
The following command is the same as previous:
$ fuel-pdsh -w node-2,4,node-8 -- ls

-i, --ips
Select only those nodes which have these IPs.
$ fuel-pdsh -i, -- ls

-n, --name
Filters on the node names. This parameter is just a regular expression
for the node name, so there is not point to enter the whole name, just
pass a part.
$ fuel-pdsh -n contro -- ls

-s, --status
Filter nodes on their statuses.
$ fuel-pdsh -s ready -- ls
This will ls on all nodes which have status ready.

-g, --group-id
Filters nodes on their group ID.
$ fuel-pdsh -g 10 -- ls

-r, -roles
Filter nodes on their roles.
$ fuel-pdsh -r compute -- ls

fuel-pdsh is a tool to execute commands in parallel on different
hosts. Let’s assume you want to restart Apache on all controllers. Then
do following:
$ fuel-pdsh -r controller service apache2 restart
Sometimes you need to pass arguments to the command which may be
recognized as an arguments for fuel-pdsh itself. No worries, good
old -- is supported.
$ fuel-pdsh -r controller -- manage.py --noinput
Sometimes you have to invoke several commands. No worries again:
$ fuel-pdsh -r controller -- sh -c "command1 && command2; command3"

fuel-pdcp is a utility to copy files on multiple hosts simultaneously.
$ fuel-pdcp -r controller -- zabbix.deb /tmp
This will copy Zabbix package to /tmp on all controllers. Also, you
may copy several files:
$ fuel-pdcp -r controller -- zabbix.deb zabbix.conf /tmp
Important: destination is considered directory. So if you do following
$ fuel-pdcp -r controller -- zabbix.deb /tmp/zabbix.deb
Then new directory /tmp/zabbix.deb/ will be created and you file
gonna be copied in /tmp/zabbix.deb/zabbix.deb. This is intentional
because to avoid ambiguaty on copying several files into one place.
Please remember about that.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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