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garmigui 1.1.1
GUI for the GARMI robot's face screen with remote control to show images, play
videos and sounds, and render text.
To install run
pip install garmi-gui
or if you're working with the code in a local clone of the repository
pip install -v -e .[dev]
Checkout the
contribution guide
for more details.
The Python package installs executables for convenience. You can start the GUI
by simply running garmi-gui. This will start the GUI in fullscreen mode. For
development purposes it is convenient to run the GUI in windowed mode, you can
do so by executing garmi-gui --windowed.
Remote Control
The GUI is controlled remotely using xmlrpc. There is a convenience terminal
script to quickly execute GUI functions. You can run the tool by executing
garmi-gui-control --hostname <gui-hostname> where <gui-hostname> is the
hostname of the computer running the GUI.
To control the GUI from Python simply connect with an xmlrpc client and call the
remote functions like this:
from xmlrpc import client
hostname = "localhost"
port = 8000
server_url = f"http://{hostname}:{port}"
proxy = client.ServerProxy(server_url)
You may specify an absolute path to a file on the computer running the GUI,
relative paths are evaluated relative to the
directory. Checkout the documentation or the control script for a complete list
of possible commands.
To install this package you need pip >= 19.3 and SDL >= 2.0.8. You can upgrade
pip by running pip install --upgrade pip. SDL can be installed on Ubuntu
systems by executing sudo apt-get install libsdl-dev in a terminal.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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