getdeck 0.11.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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getdeck 0.11.1


A CLI that creates reproducible Kubernetes environments for development and testing!

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Table of Contents

About The Project

Built With

Getting Started

Running Getdeck
Cleaning up


About the project
Getdeck is like docker-compose for Kubernetes: Find a Deckfile that is describing your setup,
run deck get ... and you are ready to work. No Kubernetes knowledge required.
Simple to use
Just install the binary executable deck and you are good to go.
All dependencies managed
Helm, kustomize, k3d, kubectl? Getdeck manages all dependencies for your setup so you don't have to.
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Built with
Getdeck builds on top of the following popular open-source technologies:
Docker is currently used to run all the required tooling from the Kubernetes ecosystem, so you
don't have to install everything yourself.
k3d is supported to run local Kubernetes cluster.
kind is supported to run local Kubernetes cluster.
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Getting Started
You can easily try Getdeck yourself following this small example.

Follow the installation for your preferred platform.

Running Getdeck
We provide a sophisticated demo project you can deploy locally using Getdeck:
deck get

This might take a few minutes. When it's done, open your browser at
You should see a kubernetes dashboard with some information about the namespace we just deployed using deck!
Cleaning up
To clean it up (i.e. remove the cluster), just run the following command:
deck remove --cluster

Now go and write your own Deckfile!
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The following actions are available in Getdeck's CLI:

get: setup local development infrastructure, install a deck
remove: remove Getdeck's development infrastructure and/or just the deck
list: list the available decks of a Deckfile
version: print the current version and exit

For more examples, please refer to the CLI documentation
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Distributed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.
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Reporting Bugs
If you encounter issues, please create a new issue on GitHub or talk to us on the
Unikube Slack channel.
When reporting a bug please include the following information:
Getdeck version or Git commit that you're running (deck version),
description of the bug and logs from the relevant deck command (if applicable),
steps to reproduce the issue, expected behavior.
If you're reporting a security vulnerability, please follow the process for reporting security issues.
Getdeck is sponsored by the Blueshoe GmbH.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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