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GetOptions 1.0.3
Get options
Gets options from the console command, Format the options and return a dict. This is similar to the way non-GNU Unix systems work.
pip install GetOptions
System requirements
Python >= 3
import GetOptions
params_config = {
'host': {'must': False, 'data': True, 'short': 'H', 'long': 'host', 'default': 'localhost'},
'port': {'must': False, 'data': True, 'short': 'O', 'long': 'port', 'default': 3306},
'user': {'must': True, 'data': True, 'short': 'U', 'long': 'user'},
'passwd': {'must': True, 'data': True, 'short': 'P', 'long': 'passwd'},
'db': {'must': True, 'data': True, 'short': 'D', 'long': 'db'},
'init': {'must': True, 'data': False, 'short': 'I', 'long': 'init'},
Shell command:
python3 -H localhost -U root -P abc123 -D thinkvue -I abc 123
Print result:
{'data': {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 3306, 'user': 'root', 'passwd': 'abc123', 'db': 'thinkvue' , 'init': True}, 'args': ["abc", "123"]}
Parameter Description
GetOptions.get(params_config, params=None, is_show_help=True)
params_config:{type:dict} A dict used to describe parameters, each primary key has 5 fields:
key:{type:string} The primary key in the result returned
must:{type:bool} This is a required option?
data:{type:bool} Does it have member data?
short:{type:string} The short parameter, example:-s
long:{type:string} The long parameter, example:--longParam
default:{type:string} Default value
params:[optional]{type:list} Default sys.argv
is_show_help:[optional]{type:bool} Show help?
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