giokoda 0.1.2

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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giokoda 0.1.2

This is a Python based utility for geocoding csv files
using various online geocoding service.


Installation using pip
pip install giokoda

Installation from source
Download the source code from github, Example
git clone
Install the module and its dependancies
cd giokoda
python install

This utility can be used as a Python module or as an executable script.

Using as python module
Basic example:
import giokoda
The above code will try to goecode the provided ‘input.csv’ file and write
its output to ‘input.csv-geocoded.csv’
A geocode_csv function can geocode entities from a provided input csv file
and write results to a csv file.
It also returns a dictionary containing error, success and total count of
geocoded rows.
General syntax:
geocode_csv('input/file.csv', **kwargs)

Required parameter

infile, (filepath/str)
path to a csv file to geocode.

Optional keyword arguments (**kwargs)

outfile, (filepath/str)
path to file to write output csv

service, (str), default: ‘nominatim’.
Name of a geocoding service to use. This can be a name of any geocoding
service that is supported by

query_column, (str), default: ‘name’
Name of a column containg text to geocode.

query_columns (list): default: []. A list of a columns
to be combined in order to produce a text to geocode.

service_kwargs, (dict)
Optional keyword arguments for initialization of geocoding service.

delimiter (str): default: ‘,’, A one-character string used to
separate fields.
quotechar (str): default: ‘”’, A one-character string used to
quote fields containing special characters in a csv file, such as
the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.

geocode_csv() returns a dictionary of success, error and total count:
'total': 0,
'success': 0,
'error': 0

Using an executable script

Run geocode_csv via command line interface.

geocode_csv /input/file.csv
or including a api key:
geocode_csv --service <SERVICE-NAME> --params '{"api_key": "<YOUR-API-KEY>"}' /input/file.csv
General usage:
geocode_csv [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-s SERVICE] [-c COLUMN] [-p PARAMS] input

Required argument

Full path to csv file to geocode

Optional arguments

-h, –help
show this help message and exit

-o OUTPUT, –output OUTPUT
Full path to output file

-s SERVICE, –service SERVICE
Geocoding service name, example arcgis, baidu, google, googlev3, geocoderdotus,
geonames, yahoo, placefinder, opencage, openmapquest, mapquest, liveaddress,
navidata, nominatim, geocodefarm, what3words, yandex and ignfrance

-c [COLUMN [COLUMN …]], –column [COLUMN [COLUMN …]]
Name(s) for column(s) containing text content to geocode.
Multiple column names should be separated by white space.

-p PARAMS, –params PARAMS
Keyword arguments for geocoding service initialization presented as
json object

A one-character string used to separate fields in a csv file

A one-character string used to
quote fields containing special characters in a csv file, such as
the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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