git-grab 0.5.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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gitgrab 0.5.0

Git Grab
Git Helper Tool used to quickly add repo's to the users system for an external source.
With not having to worry about were the repo is being stored.
Initial Goals of the project

Create a tool to help download git repos
Repos are sorted by which site and user they belong to.

└── Boomatang
├── dotfiles
└── git-grab

To install grab, run this command in your terminal:
git needs to be installed before using git-grab
$ pipx install git-grab

grab <url-to-repo>
grab -r <url-to-remote-repo>
grab --help

The environment variable GARB_PATH can be set to insure the default local of for storing the repos.
At any time the environment variable can be overridden by the -p flag.
Cloning a repo
To cloning a repo can be done using both the ssh or https routes.
When cloning, the data is stored in the path defined in GRAB_PATH.
grab <repo route>

To override the path at run time the -p flag can be used.
grab <repo route> -p <some/other/path>

Adding remotes to repos.
The -r flag can be used to say the repo path is a remote of an existing repo.
grab -r <repo route>

This adds the repo route to all cloned repos in the path where the repo name matches.
Using the -p flag allows setting the path where to search for repos.
grab -r <repo route> -p <some/other/path>

All the functions are case-sensitive.
This can be problematic when adding remotes to existing cloned repos.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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