git-substatus 0.2.11

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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gitsubstatus 0.2.11


A command-line tool to inspect the status of git repositories from a directory,
e.g., a projects folder keeping all of your git projects. You can inspect:


added, removed, modified, renamed

merge conflicts





See at git-substatus --help:

usage: git-substatus [-h] [-v] [--include-hidden] [--fetch] [path]

See subdirectories' git status

The output consists of four columns:

repo name | branch head | status | git stashes (if any)

The string (*WT) seen next to the repo names shows that the
repo has some git worktrees. See more:

positional arguments:
path a path to where you want to see git substatuses. If empty, the
current working directory is selected.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--include-hidden repositories starting with a dot (.) are included.
--fetch perform git fetch from remote on all sub repositories.

Install from the PyPI:
pip install git-substatus

Install from the repo:
pip install git+

Alternatively, the Docker
image can be used:
docker run --rm -t -v "$(pwd)":/"$(pwd)" -w "$(pwd)" strboul/git-substatus:latest

To shorten the command, it's also possible to add an alias in the .bashrc or
.zshrc, e.g.:
_git_substatus() {
docker run --rm -t -v "$(pwd)":/"$(pwd)" -w "$(pwd)" strboul/git-substatus:latest "$@"
alias git-substatus="_git_substatus"

Benchmark: it's measured that the container solution is ~70% slower than the
native operation due to the overhead; however, the container solution is still
useful for portability matters.
This tool has no module dependency outside
The Python Standard Library.

Development docs
Versioning and release

Bump up the __version__ in git_substatus/ and commit the
change in the batch where you changed the files.

(For the codeowners) This step is only on master. Create a version tag
with make tag-create target. Push the tag to the origin with make tag-push. Upon the push, the release CI workflow will be triggered that
will distribute the new version to the platforms, such as PyPI,

Run pre-commit git hooks on every commit that run checks against the files
added to a commit.
Upon cloning the repo, set up pre-commit:

Install pre-commit
Run pre-commit install that installs the hook scripts at .git/hooks

Add tests

Write/update unit tests (if relevant). You can start by adding/modifying a
case to generator file of scripts/

Run tests && debugging
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate # deactivate
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt # pip freeze > dev-requirements.txt

Put a breakpoint() at a relevant place and run:
make test

Add new methods

Use the reference to name the functions/methods in the module:


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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